[NetBehaviour] [Fwd: Arte Video Roma Festival 2010 June 25th, 26th, 27th – Rome, Italy]

info info at furtherfield.org
Wed Jun 23 17:39:41 CEST 2010


*C*entro* *d’*A*rti* *e* R*icerche* M*ultimediali* A*pplicate

*A*pplied *M*ultimedia *A*rt and *R*esearch *C*enter


*/Arte Video Roma Festival 2010/**//*

*/Oltre l'apparenza/**//*

* *

curated by *Le Momo Electronique***

*June 25**^th **, 26**^th **, 27**^th – ** Rome, Italy***

Casa dei Popoli - A.I.A.S.P.


*/ARTE VIDEO ROMA FESTIVAL/*, Rome based audiovisual research 
international exhibition, organized by *C.A.R.M.A.* - *A*pplied 
*M*ultimedia *A*rt and *R*esearch *C*enter will be held from the 25^th 
to the 27^th of June at Casa dei Popoli-A.I.A.S.P, Rome (Italy).


The Festival will present 6 different sections, made up by C.A.R.M.A. 
curators group /Le Momo Electronique/, which has already reached five 
years of activity in monitoring worldwide videoart scene; by eminent 
critics, artists, production/distribution companies and, last but not 
least, through a widely joined international open call.



“*MAGMART FESTIVAL*” - curated by Enrico Tomaselli - 10 international 
works selected from the 5 editions of the event

“*FISHEYE FESTIVAL*” - curated by Bruno Di Marino - 7 Italian videoart 

“*ARTEVIDEO*” - selection from the international open call

“*C.A.R.M.A.*” - works from artists called together by /Le Momo 
Electronique /“*HEURE EXQUISE!*” - selection of works from the catalogue 
of the famous international videoart distribution company

“*RICICLI CATODICI*” - an anthology of videoinstallations selected among 
all the works considered by the curatorial group and shown 
simultaneously on multiple tv-screens.


All the pieces will be assessed by a jury panel of eminent artists and 

*Adriana Amodei*, *Andrea Balzola*, *Robert Cahen*, *Valentino 
Catricalà*, *Mariagrazia Costantino*, *Veronica D'Auria*, *Bruno Di 
Marino*, *Marco Maria Gazzano*, *Stefano Roveda*, *Mario Sasso* e 
*Enrico* *Tomaselli*.


Wishing a wide cooperation in spreading the news, best regards.


Veronica D’Auria: +39 349 2304021, veronica.dauria at gmail.com 
<mailto:veronica.dauria at gmail.com> (italian);

Frine Beba Favaloro: +39 349 1753657, frinebeba at gmail.com 
<mailto:frinebeba at gmail.com> (english)

Website: http://carma.qblog.it <http://carma.qblog.it/>

E-mail: ass..carma at gmail.com <mailto:ass..carma at gmail.com>

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