info at furtherfield.org
Sun Oct 2 12:22:32 CEST 2011
On September 29th, 2011 on the occasion of the festival 'TodaysArt
2011', CuratingYouTube will open the online exhibition „Anonymous:
Shared Identity in the era of a global networked Society' at the Speed
show 'Landscape Deconstructing Social Networks and Web 2.0'.
The exhibition attempts to give an overview of the movement of the
Internet-activists 'Anonymous' through a comparative and aesthetic
investigation in the form of a series of video-grids including videos
that were made by the activists in the course of their protests activities.
'Anonymous' is applying the medium 'web video' in order to announce its
activities taking place on the Internet and in real space, as well as
call for others to participate. Thus, the videos should be seen as an
important interface between the Internet and the so-called real world.
Due to their specific aesthetics, the videos have constituted a kind of
'corporate identity' related to 'Anonymous'. Their film language, their
aesthetic appearance and their style were therefore constitutive of the
entire movement.
As explicitly leaderless group with a political orientation, centered
around human rights like free speech and free access for information,
'Anonymous' makes use of the network structures and the social network,
its services and platforms like Twitter, IRC, 4chan, youtube, etc. by
using these forms of communication to organize upcoming peaceful
protests. Although the members act anonymously, some user groups such as
4chan, the Chaos Computer Club and The Pirate Bay are associated with
In 2008 'Anonymous' became generally known with the 'Project
Chantology', an extensive protest against the Church of Scientology.
That campaign already revealed the specific culture of protest that
'Anonymous' is using to this day: Internet-organized real-world
demonstrations combined with Internet activism as DDoS attacks, video
messages and video documentation of the protests, with the call to join
them. Since then, a series of so-called 'anon-operations' followed: e.g.
'Operation Payback,' which was directed against the opponents of
Wikileaks, or 'Operation Didgeridie' and 'Operation Tunisia'. In the
course of both operations, 'Anonymous' accused the governments of
Australia and Tunisia of violating the right to freedom of expression.
Since 2010 state agencies reinforced their investigations against
'Anonymous' and began arresting alleged members of the movement.
Currently 'Anonymous' participates in the campaign 'Operation Wall
Street' or '#occupywallstreet', that has been taking place since the
17th September 2011 in the form of an occupation of Wall Street
following the example of peaceful demonstrators of 'the Arabic spring'
or those who occupied public squares in Spain.
The usage or the performance of a shared identity began on image-boards
like 4chan where users posted pictures and comments using the
multiple-user-name 'anonymous'. Shared identities can be designed in the
form of a 'character' (avatar or fictional character) or in a more
abstract way with the aim to identify common goals and philosophical or
political ideas. A shared identity is formed by the users while building
internal rules and recurrent or recognizable concepts and signs such as
linguistic or pictorial patterns that are used in a heraldic form (using
simple design tools in an interpretive way) not only in order to be a
part of the corporate identity for a self-chosen period but also in
order to shape it.
'Anonymous' uses YouTube as a publishing platform. Frequent copies and
remixes of the videos as part of the shared identity 'Anonymous' as well
as of the common usage of YouTube can also be understood as an emphatic
process of transformation from the specific languages of videos (what is
an artistic and aesthetic activity) into a political statement. The
videos on YouTube are arranged through a simple recognition effect based
on theirs formal language, although, at the same time, these forms of
identification become dynamic because of the the permanent
modifications, adaptations and rearrangements made by the users. The
specific 'Anonymous-style', its common practice of appropriation,
citation, modification and rearrangements of video-sequences, sounds and
texts, finds its 'natural environment' on YouTube while spreading out on
the Internet in a viral and dynamic way.
To provide the complexity of the iconography of the web video - film
language, the exhibition has put together a series of
In the merging and contrasting of different videos that were posted by
'Anonymous' on YouTube, the exhibition visitors are encouraged to
consider the specific means of representation and self-presentation of a
new form of protest culture and 'artificial identity', as well as to
perceive the various references to past political and other cultural
The 'Anonymous - videos' make use of an arsenal of characters and
methods, which can be critically considered. Nevertheless, the
exhibition wants to convey the productive tension built by the friction
of the different propagandistic funds, brand strategies and artistic
methods that 'Anonymous' uses in order to constitute a collective or
shared identity via a dynamic aesthetic and to provoke grassroots protests.
curated by Sakrowski for CYT with support from Ute Fischer
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