[NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PAPERS: evomusart 2012

info info at furtherfield.org
Sun Oct 2 14:02:05 CEST 2011


evomusart 2012

1st International Conference and 10th European Event on Evolutionary and 
Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design

11-13 April 2012, Malaga, Spain

Part of evo* 2012
evo*: http://www.evostar.org
evomusart: http://www.evostar.org/2012/call-for-contributions/evomusart/

evomusart 2012 is the tenth European event on Evolutionary Music and 
Art. Following the success of previous events and the importance of the 
field of evolutionary and biologically inspired music, sound, art and 
design, evomusart has became a evo* conference with independent 
proceedings. Thus, evomusart 2012 is the tenth European Event on 
Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design and 
the first conference on the field.

The use of biologically inspired techniques for the development of 
artistic systems is a recent, exciting and significant area of research. 
There is a growing interest in the application of these techniques in 
fields such as: visual art and music generation, analysis, and 
interpretation; sound synthesis; architecture; video; poetry; design; 
and other creative tasks.

The main goal of evomusart 2012 is to bring together researchers who are 
using biologically inspired computer techniques for artistic tasks, 
providing the opportunity to promote, present and discuss ongoing work 
in the area.

The event will be held from 11-13 April, 2012 in Malaga, Spain as part 
of the evostar event.

Accepted papers will be presented orally at the event and included in 
the evomusart proceedings, published by Springer Verlag in a dedicated 
volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Topics of interest

The papers should concern the use of biologically inspired computer 
techniques - e.g. Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life, Artificial 
Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, other artificial intelligence 
techniques. - in the scope of the generation, analysis and 
interpretation of art, music, design, architecture and other artistic 
fields. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-- Generation
     - Biologically Inspired Design and Art - Systems that create 
drawings, images, animations, sculptures, poetry, text, designs, 
webpages, buildings, etc.;
     - Biologically Inspired Sound and Music - Systems that create 
musical pieces, sounds, instruments, voices, sound effects, sound 
analysis, etc.;
     - Robotic Based Evolutionary Art and Music;
     - Other related artificial intelligence or generative techniques -  
in the fields of Computer Music, Computer Art;

     - Computational Aesthetics, Experimental Aesthetics; o Emotional 
Response, Surprise, Novelty;
     - Representation techniques;
     - Surveys of the current state-of-the-art in the area; 
identification of weaknesses and strengths; comparative analysis and 
     - Validation methodologies;
     - Studies on the applicability of these techniques to related areas;
     - New models designed to promote the creative potential of 
biologically inspired computation;

--Computer Aided Creativity and computational creativity
     - Systems in which biologically inspired computation is used to 
promote the creativity of a human user;
     - New ways of integrating the user in the evolutionary cycle;
     - Analysis and evaluation of: the artistic potential of 
biologically inspired art and music; the artistic processes inherent to 
these approaches; the resulting artifacts;
     - Collaborative distributed artificial art environments;

     - Techniques for automatic fitness assignment;
     - Systems in which an analysis or interpretation of the artworks is 
used in conjunction with biologically inspired techniques to produce 
novel objects;
     - Systems that resort to biologically inspired computation to 
perform the analysis of image, music, sound, sculpture, or some other 
types of artistic object;

Important Dates

Submission: 30 November 2011
Conference: 11-13 April 2012

Additional information and submission details

Submit your manuscript, at most 12 A4 pages long, in Springer LNCS 
format (instructions downloadable from 
no later than November 30, 2011 to site 

The reviewing process will be double-blind, please omit information 
about the authors in the submitted paper.

Programme committee

Adrian Carballal, University of A Coruna, Spain
Alain Lioret, Paris 8 University, France
Alan Dorin, Monash University, Australia
Alejandro Pazos, University of A Coruna, Spain
Amilcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Amy K. Hoover, University of Central Florida, USA
Andrew Brown, Griffith University, Australia
Andrew Gildfind, Google Inc., Australia
Andrew Horner, University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
Anna Ursyn, University of Northern Colorado, USA
Antonino Santos, University of A Coruna, Spain
Artemis Sanchez Moroni, Renato Archer Research Center, Brazil
Benjamin Schroeder, Ohio State University, USA
Bill Manaris, College of Charleston, USA
Brian Ross, Brock University, Canada
Carlos Grilo, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
Christian Jacob, University of Calgary, Canada
Colin Johnson, University of Kent, UK
Dan Ashlock, University of Guelph, Canada
Daniel Bisig, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Daniel Jones, Goldsmiths College,  University of London, UK
David Rosenboom, California Institute of Arts, USA
Douglas Repetto, Columbia University, USA
Eduardo Miranda, University of Plymouth, UK
Eelco den Heijer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Erwin Driessens, Independent Artist, Netherlands
Gary Greenfield, University of Richmond, USA
Gary Nelson, Oberlin College, USA
Hans Dehlinger, Independent Artist, Germany
Ingeborg Reichle, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 
J. E. Rowe, University of Birmingham, UK
James McDermott, University of Limerick, Ireland
Jon Bird, University of Sussex, UK
Jon McCormack, Monash University, Australia
José Fornari, NICS/Unicamp, Brazil
Juan Romero, University of A Coruna, Spain
Kenneth O. Stanley, University of Central Florida, USA
Luigi Pagliarini, University of Southern Denmark, Italy
Marcelo Freitas Caetano, IRCAM, France
Marcos Nadal, University of Illes Balears, Spain
Maria Verstappen, Independent Artist, Netherlands
Matthew Lewis, Ohio State University, USA
Mauro Annunziato, Plancton Art Studio, Italy
Mitchell Whitelaw, University of Canberra, Australia
Nicolas Monmarché, University of Tours, France
Oliver Bown, University of Sidney, Australia
Palle Dahlstedt, Göteborg University, Sweden
Paul Brown, University of Sussex, UK
Paulo Urbano, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Pedro Cruz, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Peter Bentley, University College London, UK
Peter Cariani, University of Binghamton, USA
Philip Galanter, Texas A&M College of Architecture, USA
Rafael Ramirez, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
Roger Malina, International Society for the Arts, Sciences and 
Technology, USA
Scott Draves, Independent Artist, USA
Simon Colton, Imperial College, UK
Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Stephen Todd, IBM, UK
Tim Blackwell, Goldsmiths College,  University of London, UK
Troy Innocent, Monash University, Australia
Usman Haque, Haque Design + Research Ltd, UK/Pakistan
Vic Ciesielski, RMIT, Australia
William Latham, University of London, UK
Yang Li, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Conference chairs

Juan Romero
University of A Coruna, Spain

Penousal Machado
University of Coimbra, Portugal

Publication chair

Adrian Carballal
University of A Coruna, Spain

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