[NetBehaviour] For Occupy Wall Street

James Morris james at jwm-art.net
Wed Oct 5 18:15:42 CEST 2011

On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 15:53:32 +0100
dave miller <dave.miller.uk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi james
> Thanks for the tip - I did all this, think it ran ok, but didn't see
> anything. I get the idea though, it's nice.
> I would like something to happen though - maybe just as confirmation
> that I did it right. though I understand that's not the point!
> dave


I don't know perl, but here's a modified version which does show
something to see. (I've used '--8<---' to indicate where it starts and ends)


$right1="freedom of movement";
$right2="freedom of expression";
push(@rights, $right1);
push(@rights, $right2);
print "@rights\n";


It declares two variables, $right1 and $right2, and then places them
into an array called @rights and then prints the contents of the array.

Now, perhaps to show you the meaning of Pall's script lets try claiming
ownership of our rights!


my $right1="freedom of movement";
my $right2="freedom of expression";
push(@rights, my $right1);
push(@rights, my $right2);
print "@rights\n";


See how my rights disappear!



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