[NetBehaviour] bitter pills

James Morris james at jwm-art.net
Tue Oct 11 02:32:59 CEST 2011


You may remember writing some fairly unpleasant words against me and
my website earlier this year, right at the end of March. It was a
catalyst for me deleting my website but I have now arrived at a point
where restoring my website back to its former state seems like as good
an idea as any other, in the semi-desperate face of things.

Your words have been on and off my mind frequently in the months that
have passed. Reading it again angers me. I was going to respond to it
here, right now, but I am unable - besides being too close to the bone,
some of it is also plain rubbish.

You have angered and informed me, but I've come to realize I shouldn't
hold your judgement as a greater authority than my own on this matter.



James Morris About 4,330,000 results Google...Which one's you?Envy one.

Let's talk art!http://jwm-art.net/

Images-You show us few petrify plastic shit and some ornament...Fractal art
was modern and interesting 20 years ago/
http://fractalarts.com/ASF/galleries.html/ ...
'Bad artist show only his best works.Bad artist hide his bad works.Good
artist show his worst works because even in that works we could see
quality.'/Picasso/You have no good and no bad works,you don't have order,
hygiene in presentation of your small...but insignificant ~opus~.Everything
there is mediocrity,boring,amateur...confuse...no spirit...no
imagination..no art...Even best forensic couldn't find trace of art in your
hand-made trow-out fantasy/we could see in your images only how vain person
see him self...emptiness.../

Words-'I'm currently experiencing some kind existential crisis right
now.''/J.Morris/...So what?Will you tell us some more about your night
pollutions?You don't deserve pity because you bark and bite instead to be
friendly on this friendly list...Most of people on this list give their best
to established environment for courtesy and mutual respect but you find your
vocation in undermine that task...Why?...Because of you your pathetic
'existential crisis' and envy ...You have no existence because it must be
something in that existence which exist...But there's nothing which exist in
your 'existential crisis' except crisis ...And 4,330,000 James Morris
+.Which one's you?Envy one?One who hate Other.Hate Different.Envy

'' you get on my wick...''/
http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/get-on-my-wick.html /...Even in that
simple sentence you can't make something self-conscious. You have real bad
*existential crisis*but you are not aware where's that,and,what's
worst-what's that actually...World cry for good pharmacist,backer,truck
driver...worker...Art's curse...That's something which chose you and make
you suffer and in rare ocassion give you little joy...You are not artist
because artist could be worst man,artist could even kill/Caravaggio/but his
work somehow existed in posteriori/your art is worthless now and
here/...There's something we call *gift*and who don't have that gift it's
better for him to find another form to express him self in his/her early
age.It's not to late for you to became decent worker or something which
could fit you better...Examine deep in your exhausted soul-is art for you...
And save your mental health.

----- Original Message -----
From: <jwm.art.net at gmail.com>
To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity"
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] viva MANIK

I guess the irony must have slipped off my post on the way to your inbox! So
my annoyance remains. You should discard it.
Re the positives you mention, yes it can be but I found it not so on this
Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Szpakowski <szpako at yahoo.com>
Sender: netbehaviour-bounces at netbehaviour.org
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 06:55:22
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed
creativity<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
<netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
Subject: [NetBehaviour] viva MANIK

Well, MANIK and I have had our disagreements in the past but I think they
add greatly to the richness of life.
Their work is also original, smart, edgy and, at least as far as I'm
concerned,(and I include in 'work' their somewhat performative style of
posting to lists) more engaging than a great many of the things I see.

--- On Wed, 3/30/11,  <jwm.art.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: James Morris <jwm.art.net at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] ORIGINAL STATEMENTS XXVIII
> To: "NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity"
> <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org>
> Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 12:46 PM
> you get on my wick...
> jwm-art.net march 2011...
> On 30 March 2011 12:36, manik <manik at sbb.rs>
> wrote:  
> > HELL...MANIK...MARCH...2011...  
> --
> : http://jwm-art.net/
> -audio/image/text/code/
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