yarrel@gmail.com rob at robmyers.org
Wed Oct 19 12:07:09 CEST 2011

Wait. Occupy Wall Street is a promo for a lifestyle magazine???

info <info at furtherfield.org> wrote:



Alright you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,

We're living through a magical moment … #OCCUPYWALLSTREET has catalyzed 
into an international insurgency for democracy … the mood at our 
assemblies is electric … people who go there are drawn into a Gandhian 
spirit of camaraderie and hope for a new kind of future. Across the 
globe the 99% are marching! You have inspired more than you know. People 
are digging into Act One of the long Spring.

Its now time to amp up the edgy theatrics … deviant pranks, subversive 
performances and playful détournements of all kinds. Open your 
insurrectionary imagination. Anything, from a bottom-up transformation 
of the global economy to changing the way we eat, the way we get around, 
the way we live, love and communicate … be the spark that sustains a 
global revolution of everyday life!

As the movement matures, lets consider a response to our critics. Lets 
occupy the core of our global system. Lets dethrone the greed that 
defines this new century. Lets work to define our one great demand.

This is a proposal for the general assemblies of the Occupy movement.

Eight years ago, on February 15, 2003, upwards of 15 million people in 
sixty countries marched together to stop President Bush from invading 
Iraq … a huge chunk of humanity lived for one day without dead time and 
glimpsed the power of a united people's movement. Now we have an 
opportunity to repeat that performance on an even larger scale.

On October 29, on the eve of the G20 Leaders Summit in France, let's the 
people of the world rise up and demand that our G20 leaders immediately 
impose a 1% #ROBINHOOD tax on all financial transactions and currency 
trades. Let's send them a clear message: We want you to slow down some 
of that $1.3-trillion easy money that's sloshing around the global 
casino each day – enough cash to fund every social program and 
environmental initiative in the world.

Take this idea to your local general assembly and join your comrades in 
the streets on October 29.

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

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