[NetBehaviour] Human Cities Festival: Upcycling Public Space - Call for projects.
info at furtherfield.org
Thu Oct 20 18:01:48 CEST 2011
Brussels, Belgium
Datum dogodka: 2012
Human Cities Festival
Upcycling Public Space
Call for projects
The term Upcycling was first used by Reiner Pilz who described recycling
as a system where everything is smashed. He used the term Downcycling to
describe this and called for what he referred to as Upcycling, a
practice where old products are given more value and not less. In this
sense, Upcycling is about the way we remake things.
If we consider reinventing or remaking public space, we do not speak
about reinventing the wheel or total erasure of what exists, but of how
to work with existing environments, objects and materials.
Projects will be analyzed on their use of the Upcycling concept and
cross-disciplinary approaches to public space as well as their
interpretation of Readymade design, referencing Duchamp’s description of
‘found art,’ or objects which are slightly modified to take on a new
social function.
To rethink, re-use and reinvent public space by exploring human
creativity and existing materials through co-creations, performances,
installations and hands-on experiments.
What fields of transversality?
Light/temporary architecture, furniture, lighting, sound, public visual
art and performances, storytelling, food, scent & taste…
Designers, architects, landscape architects, anthropologists,
philosophers, storytellers… Professional and students are welcome to
introduce their projects.
The competition is open to people over 18 years old: they may be
professionals, artists, or students from art, design, or communication
schools or academies. Work groups are also admitted, provided there is a
group leader and at least one member is over 18.
More information here.
Rok prijave: 30/10/11
Human Cities Festival
c/o Pro Materia Association
Rue Notre-Dame-du-Sommeil 2
B- 1000 Brussels
humancities at promateria.be
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