[NetBehaviour] On the Efficacy of Creative Remembrance.

info info at furtherfield.org
Thu Oct 20 21:09:29 CEST 2011

On the Efficacy of Creative Remembrance.

Joseph DeLappe

20 October · 18:30 - 20:30
EFA Project Space
323 West 39th Street, 2nd Floor
(b/w aves 8 and 9)
New York, NY

In conjunction with the current exhibition, iraqimemorial.org, project 
director and exhibition curator Joseph DeLappe will lead a panel 
discussion with jurors Yaelle Amir and Raul Zamudio, and artists Wafaa 
Bilal, Matt Kenyon and Sayoko Yoshida. A wide-ranging discussion will 
ensue regarding the efficacy of the conceptualization and realization of 
contemporary memorials, monuments and counter-monuments to the victims 
of war. How do we critically assess the effect of a project such as 
iraqimemorial.org? What are the pitfalls and possibilities of developing 
DIY memorial projects?

For more information about the current exhibition, iraqimemorial.org, 
and the panelists please visit

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