dave miller dave.miller.uk at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 19:39:48 CEST 2011

thanks Edward - I've just fixed the left speech - I got my GETs and
POSTs mixed up.

You're right about the previewing - I just haven't had the time to do
it properly - but it's important I agree. Ideally a sort of javascript
drag and drop would work best I think, so you see what you're
dragging, and see it as it builds up. I'll try to do this next week,
though may be too late as I think the vicar of St Pauls has told
OccupyLSX they'll have to leave.

Thanks for having a go - would you mind making a drawing as well?  I
desperately need more characters and backgrounds! I can't draw fast
enough ...

cheers, dave

On 21 October 2011 17:50, Edward Picot <edward at edwardpicot.com> wrote:
> Dave -
> Good idea! However, I think you need to give people the chance to
> preview and if necessary re-edit their cartoons before they finally
> click a "submit" button to put them in the gallery, otherwise they'll
> make a typo (as I did) and have to re-do the cartoon just for the sake
> of correcting it - or (as I nearly did) simply lose their nerve because
> they don't get a chance to see what it looks like before they release it
> into the world.
> Also, I couldn't get my character on the left to say anything - I don't
> know whether this is because I chose the sandwich-board man.
> Nice idea, all the same.
> - Edward
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