[NetBehaviour] memorial for my father, second day

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Oct 22 06:14:19 CEST 2011

eyebeam: http://eyebeam.org/blogs/alansondheim/

memorial for my father, second day

true to the image or true to the intention
images have no intention, true to the image
true to the mood of the image, has no mood
nor true to the mood of the intention,
nor intention of the mood, nor truth to the image
which is formed by mood and intention,
no intention of intention, and no framing,
but framing of intention and mood, no framing
of the image, but the image's framing, breaking
the mood, intention

every image is memorial of itself,
memorial of every image, and a god
might say, so much sight, so much sight


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