[NetBehaviour] The case for piracy.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sat Oct 22 13:03:48 CEST 2011

The case for piracy.

Nick Ross ABC Technology and Games 20 Oct 2011

When it comes to copyright theft and piracy, many people assume there's 
just one side - the side of truth, justice and copyright owners. Beyond 
that there are parasitical thieves. When most governments come to 
legislate on the matter, their response is usually one of listening to 
what big corporations and lobby groups say and nodding in agreement. For 
the general public, years of being bombarded by cross platform marketing 
campaigns have ingrained people with various "Piracy bad. Copyright 
good" slogans.

We've been deluged with the arguments against piracy for years. But 
what's the other side of the story? Could it possibly be that copyright 
infringers and pirates aren't always the bad guys? Are copyright owners 
their own worst enemy? Judge for yourself and tell us what you think.


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