[NetBehaviour] Brompton Road Abandoned Tube Station

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Sat Oct 22 13:34:54 CEST 2011

Brompton Road Abandoned Tube Station

Silent UK – Urban Exploration & Underground Photography.

"Although my adventures into London’s sprawling underground network are 
certainly over, i do still have fond memories and tales of previous 
exploits that have yet to be told. For a while I’ve been debating the 
pros and cons of publishing these stories, part of me wants to separate 
myself from them as far as humanly possible, while the other reminds me 
well, whats done is done."

SilentUK is a collection of stories and photographs from various 
adventures across the world all which fall under the term, Urban 
Exploration. That’s really all there is to say about it. Who, what, 
when, where and why? I don’t think they really matter in the grand 
scheme of things, but if you really want to know, read on.


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