[NetBehaviour] Groundswell.

info info at furtherfield.org
Sun Oct 23 15:09:09 CEST 2011


Call for writers.

Groundswell is a loose affiliation of critical cultural producers who 
work at the intersection of art and activism. Our journal catalogues, 
evaluates, and supports critical art practice, and offers a space for 
unregulated discourse and collaborative cultural work. Groundswell’s 
website is collectively maintained, and we are seeking new contributors 
to make it a more democratic and dynamic publication. The goal is to 
cross-pollinate the digital contributions with our print journal that 
launched in 2010, and to seed new ideas across media, scales, and 


What does a contributor do?
Contributors work on their own timeline to produce at least one journal 
article per month. The process begins with selecting the article topic, 
which can be done collaboratively or independently, with a topic from 
our list or yours. The topic can be a review, interview, manifesto, 
event announcement, or something else entirely.

The article itself can be 1 - 3 pages in length, and includes images 
that are sourced and sized appropriately. When we edit, we do so lightly 
and in communication with the contributor about any suggested changes. 
We think it’s important to maintain the perspective and knowledge 
expressed by the contributor, and so changes will usually be limited to 
image quality, spelling, and grammar.

Submissions can be sent to David Morgan: dave [at] 
groundswellcollective.com, or uploaded to the website. Authors are asked 
to review the final draft before publishing.

Why contribute?
We are interested in creating artist-led structures that can grow 
strong, large, and independent, and extra-disciplinary critique is a 
method we employ for growing what we hold in common. Hopefully, you agree.

We respect immaterial labour. Nobody capitalizes on the work we do, and 
we don’t report to funding bodies or regulatory authorities, so the 
scope of work can be determined by the people involved. Groundswell 
still exists outside of traditional funding structures, but we can 
negotiate paid work when an article crosses over into print.

What should I contribute?
We publish feature articles or shorter summaries of events, works, 
exhibitions, books, projects, etc., or artist profiles and interviews 
concerning critical cultural production, from interventions to 
infrastructures of resistance. Familiarize yourself with the articles on 
our website (groundswellcollective.com) and drop us a line if you have 
any questions about whether your contribution would be a good fit.

Please send a short bio (under 250 words) about yourself, along with 
links to your work, if applicable, to David Morgan: dave [at] 
groundswellcollective.com. Articles can be sent as plain, editable text 
with several images (500px wide maximum) attached separately.

Send us your work
Mail art submissions to:
James David Morgan
The Groundswell Collective
36 Grant Avenue
MA 01060, USA

Sadly, we can’t return submissions, or be responsible for their being 
lost or stolen.

Visual Art
Mail or e-mail samples of your work as JPG, PNG, or GIF files, at most 
450 pixels wide, optimized for web viewing at 72dpi. If you want to 
offer a high-res download, we can arrange for delivery after previewing 
the web-ready version. Physical samples are welcomed and encouraged, but 
beware our mailbox is tiny.

Submit music on CD to our address above, or e-mail a link to where you 
house your work online. Please do not send unsolicited files via e-mail. 
We’ll take a torrent or a direct download of MP3 or OGG files. Please 
indicate whether you’d like us to offer a free download of your music or 
promotional materials.

Film & Video
Films/videos should be mailed on DVD or submitted via e-mail with a link 
to a stream or download. We’d love to host your work, so please let us 
know if we can include a trailer or sample from the film in our review.

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