[NetBehaviour] WITH TEXTS ABOUT ARTWORKS BY - Exhibition, publication and edition @ Arbeit in Auslage, Vienna/Austria

CONT3XT.NET cont3xt at cont3xt.net
Sun Oct 30 08:23:43 CET 2011

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Arbeit in Auslage (Atelier Daum, Hochleitner, Neidl)
Stuwerstrasse 24/4, 1020 Vienna/Austria
Opening: 06 November, 2011, 11 a.m.
Closing: 11 December, 2011, 11 a.m.

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WITH TEXTS ABOUT ARTWORKS BY: Ruben Aubrecht, Eva Beierheimer and Miriam
Laussegger, Gerhard Dirmoser, Female Obesession, Daniel Hafner, Kathi
Hofer, Jochen Höller, Michael Kargl, Birgit Knoechl, Annja Krautgasser,
Wolfgang Lehrner, Les Liens Invisibles, Bernd Oppl, Lisa Rastl, Anna
Schreger, Santiago Sierra, Karo Szmit, Anna Witt | edited by CONT3XT.NET,
2011, 26 posters, greyscale, DIN A1 (folded to DIN A4), 70g, offset print,
in black cardboard case with black hot foil stamping, 22 x 31 cm, edition
of 100, signed and numbered

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Each sign exists in a time continuum between a preceding and a following
sign. If one thinks of such a continuum as a changeable flow, then it
suggests the conclusion that no sign can relate to something that would
stand as an object outside this flow - a paradoxical mind game that thinks
about thinking, in a loop that starts from the beginning again as soon as
it reaches the end. WITH TEXTS ABOUT ARTWORKS BY is the fourth and final
event in a series of exhibitions dealing with the circular movements of an
infinite loop, which carries its own context within it. Starting as an
exhibition of 26 greyscale posters in the public space of Vienna's second
district and thereby making use of private vitrines the project WITH TEXTS
ABOUT ARTWORKS BY not only turns out to be a documentation of three past
exhibitions organised by CONT3XT.NET. It is as well a curatorial
intervention into the working methods of the collective art group blurring
the boundaries between curatorial and artistic work and between different
exhibition and publication formats.

WITH TEXTS ABOUT ARTWORKS BY is based upon the exhibition series
"Experienced at Least Twice" which revolved around the idea of an endless
loop of communicative, media and social contexts. Dedicated to the subject
of "space", the first exhibition related to the architectural, social and
temporal structures of a place that is located at the intersection of music
culture, fine art and social interactive space. The following exhibition
focused on the subject of "knowledge" in the sense of information
competences of individuals that are summarised under the concept of
"lifelong learning", widespread in education policy, and which ultimately
aim at the training of the realities of life. The third exhibition in the
series was finally devoted to the theme of "progress", pointing to the
relations and differences between the commonality that arises from

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Experienced at Least Twice (Iteration I-III)
July 20 - October 21, 2011

Iteration I, Space (In der Kubatur des Kabinetts)
July 20, 2011, Fluc am Praterstern

Lifelong Learning (Iteration II, Knowledge)
September 07 - October 02, 2011, Open Space - Zentrum für Kunstprojekte

Well, Being In The Loop Gets You Ahead. (Iteration III, Progress)
October 08 - October 21, 2011, Glockengasse No9

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BMUKK - Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur
MA7 - Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien

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