[NetBehaviour] Angels Gate Cultural Center's CALL FOR WORK

Isabelle Lutterodt isabelle at angelsgateart.org
Wed Feb 1 21:42:21 CET 2012

Call For Proposals
Deadline: March 1, 2012
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.  - John
Angels Gate Cultural Center (AGCC) is calling for proposals from artists,
performers and curators, for exhibitions that engage the term of Œwildness¹
or Œwilderness¹ from multiple perspectives ranging from ecological to
introspective. The exhibition year is entitled Into the Wilderness: The
Journey Within.
During the latter part of the 19th century many people championed the notion
that everybody, rich or poor, should have access to the wilderness as a
means to restore themselves, both spiritually and physically. As we continue
to define our relationship to the environment in proprietary terms, our
relationships with the environment can still elicit wonder and provoke
transcendent experience as experienced and described by naturalists such as
John Muir.
This call for work seeks proposals that consider how the term wilderness
continues to define our contemporary life and contemplate how people can
find new opportunities that will re/define the transition between physical
and imaginary geographies. How do we see digital spaces in relationship to
the ³wildernesses²?
Angels Gate Cultural Center, located within Los Angeles County, seeks
proposals from local, regional and national artistic communities. Work by
curators, media artists, performance artists, collectives, musicians,
theater groups, dancers, and visual artists of all types are encouraged to
apply. Proposals will be  selected based on artistic merit and strength of
proposal. Proposals that take into account the location of Angels Gate
Cultural Center are strongly encouraged. We seek work that is thoughtful and
thought provoking.
1. Title and Project Description
2. Contact info for Curator and/or Artist(s) (Email, phone, address)
3. Statement and Bio for Curator and/or Artist(s)
4. CD of images of featured artwork and artwork list (For digital proposals,
please link to  online example). Minimum number of images is 15.
5. Proposed exhibition layout. Specs on space can be emailed.

Deadline for the proposals is March 1, 2012. Proposals will be selected for
the entire 2012/2013-exhibition year with the first installation commencing
in early  May 2012.
Proposals can be emailed or mailed.
Email the proposal as a single PDF to submit(at)angelsgateart.org using the
subject line WILDERNESS.
Mailed to ATTN: Isabelle Lutterodt, 3601 South Gaffey St., Box 1, San Pedro,
CA 90802. Mailed materials will not be returned.
For information about AGCC, please go to our website at
Angels Gate Cultural Center is 501(c)3 non-profit organization that unites
art, community and culture through creative discovery, exploration and
enlightenment. Angels Gate Cultural Center brings art and culture to the
community through interactive classes, gallery exhibits of artists,
professional artists' studios, art education programs in the schools and
cultural events. AGCC is one of twelve organizations at Angels Gate Park, a
facility of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. The
Department's mission is to "unify Los Angeles by providing diverse
recreational activities, beautiful facilities, and innovative leadership for
the universal enjoyment of our residents and visitors."

Isabelle Lutterodt
Visual Arts Director
Angels Gate Cultural Center
3601 South Gaffey St. Box 1
San Pedro, CA 90731
T 310.519.0936
F 310.519.8698

Come and see the final installment in the Reflections on the Harbor series.
The galleries feature work by local and regional artists and YOU!

Please join us for an artist's talk on March 18th at 1pm.

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