[NetBehaviour] Fwd: augmented reality art termed "offensive!" by Transmediale Director

Marco Donnarumma devel at thesaddj.com
Sun Feb 5 14:08:55 CET 2012

Well, this is rather thought-provoking.

Aside from the "offensive" stance of the Director towards the whole AR
practice, which could possibly be well motivated and arguable,
I can't really see the point of censoring or dump an artwork being
discussed during a panel at Transmediale.

Did they actually took off the work from the screen and suddenly stopped
talking about it?

I would find it quite disturbing.


Marco Donnarumma
New Media + Sonic Arts Practitioner, Performer, Teacher, Director.
ACE, Sound Design MSc by Research (ongoing)
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Portfolio: http://marcodonnarumma.com
Research: http://res.marcodonnarumma.com | http://www.thesaddj.com |
Director: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net
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