[NetBehaviour] Upcoming Codasign Workshops at SPACE

Pollie Barden pollie.barden at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 17:50:41 CET 2012

I have done the superhero one before it is a great and fun introduction to

There are several workshops offered by Codasign and Openlab Workshops coming
up at SPACE in Hackney that may be of interest to those on this list.

Making Interactive Sound
* Over 4 Sundays you'll learn how to work with Max/MSP, Processing and
Arduino to create your own interactive audiovisual installations.  If you
are interested in only one of the programming environments you can register
for individual days or for all 4 at a discounted rate.  Open to all levels,
but beginners are especially welcome.
* Sundays Feb 26 and March 4, 11, 18
* To see what material will be covered, visit
* Registration is £190 (£152 conc) for all 4 sessions, but individual
sessions can be booked as well from £50
* For more information and to register go to

Arduino and Sound
* Over 4 evenings you'll learn how to play audio with an Arduino without
needing to connect it to a computer.  We'll cover the basics of digital
audio, audio amplification, and build a Wave Shield.  By the end you'll
have built your own standalone synthesiser that you designed.  This is open
to all levels, but some previous experience with programming or the
Arduino/Processing will help.
* Wednesdays March 7, 14, 21, 28
* To see what material will be covered, visit
* Registration is £150 (£120 conc) which includes all hardware for you to
keep.  Contact us if you have your own Arduino and do not want to pay for
* For more information and to register go to

Build Your Own Superhero
* Over 3 evenings you will learn how to hack a Kinect and use it with
Processing to generate augmented reality characters.  Map your own graphics
onto your movements to design your own superhero.  This is open to all
levels, but some experience with programming will be helpful.
* Tuesdays March 13, 20, 27
* To see what material will be covered, visit
* Registration is £99 (£69 conc)
* For more information and to register go to

Feel to contact me with any questions!


*Codasign *- Creative Specialists in Interactive Media
becky at codasign.com
adam at codasign.com

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