[NetBehaviour] Tottenham Arts Market... meet, see and be inspired by Haringey’s Culture.

furtherfield info at furtherfield.org
Wed Jan 11 14:43:24 CET 2012


Tottenham Arts Market**

*Monday 16^th January 2012*from 5 to 9pm

at the *Bernie Grant Arts Centre*, Town Hall Approach Rd, N15 4RX**

Haringey artists, venues and organisations will be on hand to showcase 
their creative offer. Drop in any time, it?s all free!

*5 to 6pm & 8.15 to 9pm: Market Stalls*

(held in the BGAC Café and Mezzanine area)

Pop in and meet individual artists, theatre and gallery staff face to 
face. There will be stalls run by creative organisations from across 
Haringey offering anything from training opportunities to sneak previews 
of up and coming shows.

*6 to 7.15pm: Show & Tell*

(held in BGAC auditorium)

Join us for an exciting mix of performances by Haringey?s leading Arts 
venues and presentations on funding and training opportunities from 
cultural organisations and Arts Council England.

*6.00pm: *Welcome by Cllr Isidoros Diakides**

*6.15pm:                          Sensual Africa by Tavaziva Dance *

Watch a sneak preview of Sensual Africa, Tavaziva Dance?s latest 
choreographic work of art. Crafted withsublime precision following 
Bawren Tavaziva?s inspirational trip to one of Africa's most beautiful 
and compact countries Malawi. Be seduced as Tavaziva Dance inject their 
own interpretation on the complexities of these intriguing tribes? 
movements and music.**

*6.30pm:                          Clive Lyttle (Arts Council 
England)*will discuss funding opportunities on offer throughout 2012. **

*6.40pm: North London Film Partnership*- hear about funding and training 
for emergent filmmakers, both from Haringey Council and other relevant 
organisations. Also learn how to gain on-set experience in the film 
industry through Haringey?s Film Office.

*6.45pm:                          Timebank *- facilitates the exchange 
of skills, space and time without the use of money. Hear how creative 
organisations and individuals can benefit from Timebank by being part of 
a network. Also learn all about Greenbank, a new recycled art project 
being launched for artists, budding and established, to take part in.

*6.50pm:                          Collage Arts ?*will talk about the 
Chocolate Factory Studios; **ASPIRE 2 & MUSICWORKS (a NEET training and 
support programme) and their Creative Apprenticeship Programme.**

*6.55pm: Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts *will tell you all about 
part-time training opportunities and the Haringey Young Peoples? Bursary 

*7.15pm:                          Backgammon for Beginners by So and So 
Circus *

See an excerpt from this new work produced by Jacksons Lane, fusing 
circus and text, about a man?s journey from one land to another, set 
during the 1970s. It is moving, humorous and real ?edge of the seat? 
entertainment. The production will feature in the internationally 
acclaimed Circusfest in April 2012.

*7.30 to 8.15pm:               Debate*

                                                 Discuss culture with 
other artists, local Councillors and sector professionals.


Tottenham Arts Market...meet, see and be inspired by Haringey?s Culture.

* Please note that this event is not a sales event, but an opportunity 
to meet other artists and see their work.

*RSVP*to safercommunities at haringey.gov.uk 
<mailto:safercommunities at haringey.gov.uk>


Elena Pippou

**Cultural Officer**

**Add:**    The Original Gallery,

               Hornsey Library,

               Haringey Park,

               N8 9JA

**Tel:**       020 8489 1419

mailto: elena.pippou at haringey.gov.uk <mailto:elena.pippou at haringey.gov.uk>



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