[NetBehaviour] Yoshikaze Presents Fau Ferdinand

sachiko hayashi look at e-garde.com
Mon Jan 16 22:26:24 CET 2012

Yoshikaze "Up-In-The-Air" Second Life Residency presents 
Fau Ferdinand a.k.a. Yael Gilks
23 - 27 January 2012
@ HUMlab, Umeå University, Sweden
Opening Hours: 8am - 4 pm Weekdays
Opening: 23 January Between 2pm - 4pm (Artist Talk at 2pm)


"On virtual landscapes and real feelings.
Photons, camera lens, screen, eye -  mashed then mashed again.
Are landscapes seen from afar not virtual ? I can hardly see a thing but colour anyway, unless it’s on a screen near me soon.
The shrinking field of view, that particular scene  affects me - that  bird I couldn’t save. The cat too fast and ants have spread the word. Life abounds around death.
I join in, giving up on quality  to make believe I’m really there though I was there.
Inflation and deflation of an avatar that was death before processing. Death gets pregnant by Deformation.
The avatar, as the persona, is a battlefield.
I’m what eats me.
Distress grabbed." 

(Fau Ferdinand)


Fau Ferdinand, a.k.a. Yael Gilks, is an established Second Life performance artist, who has produced memorable works since her entry into SL in 2004.  Her work manifests metamorphosis of life, often dealing with the theme of life and death,  from one state of existence to another,  in a manner almost expressed as surreal.  Dissolving in fluidity, her subjects enter her world through the dreamscape which surrounds her Self. 

During her residency at Yoshikaze, she has taken a step into a new direction, in which video/machinima proceeds not only as a mere documentation of her virtual performance but as a hybrid medium of the virtual and videoart for which she expands her theme as the end result. 

Between 23 - 27 January 2012 at HUMlab, Umeå University, Sweden, Yoshikaze is pleased to present her first independent videowork "Bird Funeral" which she has completed during her Yoshikaze residency.  In addition the exhibition offers an opportunity to experience two additional derivative videoworks, into which "Bird Funeral" with the elements from the virtual world has metamorphosed itself through the techniques of moving image.

Currently Fau Ferdinand/Yael Gilks is a co-director and co-curator of SL sim Odyssey.  Her work "Bird Funeral" completed at Yoshikaze is online at http://vimeo.com/32119484.  The remains of "Bird Funeral" can be experienced inworld at Yoshikaze residency spot: http://www.slurl.com/secondlife/HUMlab/84/216/701.

Curated by Goodwind Seiling/Sachiko Hayashi in collaboration with HUMlab. The poster designed by Beatrice Rosberg at HUMlab.

Yoshikaze "Up-in-the-Air" Residency (www.slurl.com/secondlife/HUMlab/95/215/351) is a Second Life residency programme run by Sachiko Hayashi together with SL HUMlab sim manager James Barrett from HUMlab, Umeå University, Sweden. As part of HUMlab, its 3264 sqm land in Second Life supports SL artists in their pursuit of virtual art practices and researches.  For inquiries, please contact: goodwind.seiling at gmail.com.

Yoshikaze is funded and hosted by HUMlab, Umeå University, Sweden.

Yoshikaze blog: http://yoshikaze.blogspot.com
Yoshikaze vimeo: http://vimeo.com/yoshikaze

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