[NetBehaviour] Trapped to Reveal – On webcam mediated communication and collaboration.

netbehaviour netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Mon Nov 12 13:32:53 CET 2012

Trapped to Reveal – On webcam mediated communication and collaboration.

Journal for Artistic Research An online, peer-reviewed journal for the 
publication and discussion of artistic research.

JAR2 is now online with contributions by:

Annie Abrahams (FR), Juan Carlos Castro (CA) and Daniel T. Barney (USA), 
Krien Clevis (NL), humhyphenhum (Deborah Harty (UK) and Phil Sawdon 
(UK)), Eric T. Hetzler (UK), Brita Lemmens (NL), Vida L Midgelow (UK) 
and Tom Williams (UK), Ruby Wallis (IE)


Other Info:

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since 1997

Also - Furtherfield Gallery&  Social Space:

About Furtherfield:

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


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