[NetBehaviour] My book WRITING UNDER available! Information below -

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Nov 14 07:47:48 CET 2012


(Please consider buying this - support the press and my work; it has
a great introduction by Sandy Baldwin!)


CONTACT: Abby Freeland, Marketing Manager at West Virginia University
Press, 304 293 8400 x 6, abby.freeland at mail.wvu.edu

Alan Sondheim pens Writing Under: Selection from "The Internet Text"

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- The Center for Literary Computing and West Virginia
University Press are pleased to announce the publication of _Writing
Under: Selections From the Internet Text_ by Alan Sondheim. This
extraordinary collection of work explores and examines what happens to
writing as it takes place on and through the networked computer.

Sondheim began experimenting with artistic and philosophical writing using
computers in the early 1970s. Since 1994, he has explored the
possibilities of writing on the Internet, whether using blogs, web pages,
e-mails, virtual worlds, or other tools. The sum total of Sondheim.s
writing online is entitled "The Internet Text."

_Writing Under_ selects from this work to provide insight into how writing
takes place today and into the unique practices of a writer. The
selections range from philosophical musings, to technical explorations of
writing practice, to poetic meditations on the writer online. This work
expands our understanding of writing today and charts a path for writing.s

John Cayley of Brown University proclaims Alan Sondheim to be "the poet,
the artist, the maker who has most profoundly immersed himself and his
work in the life-changing code formsof networked computation that have
the world and its 'genesis redux' in their grip." Christopher T.
Funkhouser of New Jersey Institute of Technology affirms that "anyone
interested in knowing more about (or from) a writer who has practiced and
thrived on the Internet since its very beginnings needs to read this
book." (See below for more.)

Alan Sondheim is a Brooklyn-based new media artist, musician, writer, and
performer. He is concerned with issues of virtuality, and the stake that
the real world has in the virtual.

_Writing Under_ is published by the Center for Literary Computing, West
Virginia University. To order this title or to learn more about this book
visit http://wvupressonline.com/sondheim_writing_under_9781935978732#4
or phone (800) 621-2736.

Writing Under: Selections From the Internet Text by Alan Sondheim
December 2012/216pp
ePub 978-1-935978-74-9/$19.99
PB 978-1-935978-73-2/$19.99

"Alan Sondheim is one of the precious few who joyfully-and in abject
misery-risks these terrors of writing for us, for our pleasure and our
undoing. What happens? Language disposes of us. As if that were not all
that is required of any writer, Alan Sondheim is also the poet, the
artist, the maker who has most profoundly immersed himself and his work in
the life-changing code-forms of networked computation that have the world
and its 'genesis redux' in their grip."

- John Cayley, Literary Arts, Brown University

"Sondheim crafts an often meandering + always introspective recording of
his prodigious on-line output. Birthed [and often remixed] in digital
formats and drenched in anxiousness + desire, his staggeringly open text
gives rise to possibilities of endless interpretation and comprehension,
leaving multiple re-reads a definite must."

- Mez Breeze, Australian-based writer and practitioner of net.art

"Encountering Alan Sondheim's work we become aware how versatile a writer
he is. The vast fore-lands of his Internet Text contains an estimated
25,000 pages of wryting involving - as Sandy Baldwin observes in his
introduction "a phenomenology thick with human perception and intentions
that are bodily, personal, political, and communal." In wryting, Sondheim
produces all sorts of texts - poetry, prose, and the unnameable
compositions existing amidst conditions of material transformations that
merge (with) the physical and technological. Writing Under offers up
generous statements of process, from a self- and other- aware master who
is codework's godcyborg, a limner of psychedelic landscapes in Second
Life, and an inveterate graphophile. This volume radiates foresight,
stabilizing, if only for a moment, the fragility of "tenuously tethered
bits and bytes" that exist in a vast field. For Sondheim, the creative is
critical and vice versa; there's much telling in _Writing Under,_
projecting insight into the machinery of his oeuvre. Anyone interested in
knowing more about (or from) a writer who has practiced and thrived on the
Internet since its very beginnings needs to read this book."

- Christopher T. Funkhouser, Program Director, Communication and Media,
New Jersey Institute of Technology

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