[NetBehaviour] My book WRITING UNDER available! Information below -
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Thu Nov 15 21:53:55 CET 2012
Wow, thank you! And everyone as well!
On Thu, 15 Nov 2012, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
> A bit behind everyone else but I just ordered my copy and I'm very much
> looking forward to it! Your work has been a real inspiration to me over the
> last few years Alan.
> warmest wishes
> michael
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com>
> To: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:47 AM
> Subject: [NetBehaviour] My book WRITING UNDER available! Information below -
> (Please consider buying this - support the press and my work; it has
> a great introduction by Sandy Baldwin!)
> http://www.alansondheim.org/Sondheim.jpg
> CONTACT: Abby Freeland, Marketing Manager at West Virginia University
> Press, 304 293 8400 x 6, abby.freeland at mail.wvu.edu
> Alan Sondheim pens Writing Under: Selection from "The Internet Text"
> MORGANTOWN, W.Va. -- The Center for Literary Computing and West Virginia
> University Press are pleased to announce the publication of _Writing
> Under: Selections From the Internet Text_ by Alan Sondheim. This
> extraordinary collection of work explores and examines what happens to
> writing as it takes place on and through the networked computer.
> Sondheim began experimenting with artistic and philosophical writing using
> computers in the early 1970s. Since 1994, he has explored the
> possibilities of writing on the Internet, whether using blogs, web pages,
> e-mails, virtual worlds, or other tools. The sum total of Sondheim.s
> writing online is entitled "The Internet Text."
> _Writing Under_ selects from this work to provide insight into how writing
> takes place today and into the unique practices of a writer. The
> selections range from philosophical musings, to technical explorations of
> writing practice, to poetic meditations on the writer online. This work
> expands our understanding of writing today and charts a path for writing.s
> future.
> John Cayley of Brown University proclaims Alan Sondheim to be "the poet,
> the artist, the maker who has most profoundly immersed himself and his
> work in the life-changing code formsof networked computation that have
> the world and its 'genesis redux' in their grip." Christopher T.
> Funkhouser of New Jersey Institute of Technology affirms that "anyone
> interested in knowing more about (or from) a writer who has practiced and
> thrived on the Internet since its very beginnings needs to read this
> book." (See below for more.)
> Alan Sondheim is a Brooklyn-based new media artist, musician, writer, and
> performer. He is concerned with issues of virtuality, and the stake that
> the real world has in the virtual.
> _Writing Under_ is published by the Center for Literary Computing, West
> Virginia University. To order this title or to learn more about this book
> visit http://wvupressonline.com/sondheim_writing_under_9781935978732#4
> or phone (800) 621-2736.
> Writing Under: Selections From the Internet Text by Alan Sondheim
> December 2012/216pp
> ePub 978-1-935978-74-9/$19.99
> PB 978-1-935978-73-2/$19.99
> "Alan Sondheim is one of the precious few who joyfully-and in abject
> misery-risks these terrors of writing for us, for our pleasure and our
> undoing. What happens? Language disposes of us. As if that were not all
> that is required of any writer, Alan Sondheim is also the poet, the
> artist, the maker who has most profoundly immersed himself and his work in
> the life-changing code-forms of networked computation that have the world
> and its 'genesis redux' in their grip."
> - John Cayley, Literary Arts, Brown University
> "Sondheim crafts an often meandering + always introspective recording of
> his prodigious on-line output. Birthed [and often remixed] in digital
> formats and drenched in anxiousness + desire, his staggeringly open text
> gives rise to possibilities of endless interpretation and comprehension,
> leaving multiple re-reads a definite must."
> - Mez Breeze, Australian-based writer and practitioner of net.art
> "Encountering Alan Sondheim's work we become aware how versatile a writer
> he is. The vast fore-lands of his Internet Text contains an estimated
> 25,000 pages of wryting involving - as Sandy Baldwin observes in his
> introduction "a phenomenology thick with human perception and intentions
> that are bodily, personal, political, and communal." In wryting, Sondheim
> produces all sorts of texts - poetry, prose, and the unnameable
> compositions existing amidst conditions of material transformations that
> merge (with) the physical and technological. Writing Under offers up
> generous statements of process, from a self- and other- aware master who
> is codework's godcyborg, a limner of psychedelic landscapes in Second
> Life, and an inveterate graphophile. This volume radiates foresight,
> stabilizing, if only for a moment, the fragility of "tenuously tethered
> bits and bytes" that exist in a vast field. For Sondheim, the creative is
> critical and vice versa; there's much telling in _Writing Under,_
> projecting insight into the machinery of his oeuvre. Anyone interested in
> knowing more about (or from) a writer who has practiced and thrived on the
> Internet since its very beginnings needs to read this book."
> - Christopher T. Funkhouser, Program Director, Communication and Media,
> New Jersey Institute of Technology
> _______________________________________________
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> NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org
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blog: http://nikuko.blogspot.com/ (main blog)
email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
web http://www.alansondheim.org / cell 347-383-8552
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