[NetBehaviour] Call: PIKSEL[X] -- Open Workshops

Piksel InfoBot info at piksel.no
Fri Nov 16 00:16:15 CET 2012

PIKSEL[X] - Kernel Panic!

The 10th annual Piksel Festival for Art and  Free Technologies. 
- Exhibitions – Workshops – Live art – Seminars
- November 22 - 25, Bergen (NO)
- http://piksel.no/p12

* PIKSEL[X] workshop series
* Free and Open Creative Technology workshops 

In connection with the PIKSEL[X] festival we are offering in total 7 workshops. 
All the workshops are free to attend, but for some of them  there is a cost 
for materials.

To sign up or get more information, please contact us on piksel12 [AT] 
piksel.no or register directly at:


**Arduino workshop for young people in collaboration with Trafo**
** 19-21.11 16-20 @ Bergen Public Library**

This workshop consists of an introduction to Arduino programming through the 
creation of a simple embroidered synthesizer. For young people between the 
ages 16 and 22.
Material cost: NOK 200,-
more info: http://trafo.no/prosjekter/95/

**Experimental Communication**
**Friday 23.11 11-17 @ Tapetmessen**

Building on the work of The Scole Experimental Group this workshop will 
attempt to build various electronic devices which apparently enhance the 
possibility of communication with spirits both audibly and visibly.
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: http://piksel.no/ocs/index.php/piksel/piksel12/paper/view/891

**Blender 3D modelling and animation**
**Sunday 25.11 11-17 @ Tapetmessen**
This hands-on workshop shows how to create 3D models in the free open source 
software Blender, setting up the virtual lights and cameras and render the 
result. Materials and animation are explained and also the realtime game 
engine when time permits.
more info: http://piksel.no/ocs/index.php/piksel/piksel12/paper/view/873

**22 - 25.11 11-17 @ Tapetmessen**

The aim of this workshop is to design a tiny, cheap and hackable circuit board 
capable of running OpenWRT linux using all open source tools..
more info: http://piksel.no/ocs/index.php/piksel/piksel12/paper/view/947

**Saturday 24.11 11-17 @ Tapetmessen**

In this workshop, the participants will each build a LITE2SOUND PX. 
LITE2SOUND is a portable sensing device that explores the hidden sounds of 
light. Not a synthesizer at all, it is more like a microphone. LITE2SOUND 
reveals unusual sounds by esponding to rapid but invisible changes in 
Material cost: NOK 100,-
more info: http://piksel.no/ocs/index.php/piksel/piksel12/paper/view/976

**Experimental Electromagnetism Workshop in collaboration with BEK**
**Friday 23.11 11-16 @ BEK

This workshop will start with a short demonstration and some introductory 
words on the subject of electro-magnetism. Participants will then wind their 
own electromagnetic coils, to be used as part of an experimental loudspeaker 
improvised from a found object resonator supplied by the participant.
Material cost: NOK 120,-
more info: http://bek.no/projects/281-electromagnetic-workshop?locale=en

more info and complete festival program:

Piksel[X] is supported by The Norwegian Arts Council, Bergen Municipality, 
Hordaland County, The Austrian Embassy in Oslo and EU  Culture Programme.

Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with
free and open technologies in artistic practice.
Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, and 
involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, 
coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances 
and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies & art.

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