[NetBehaviour] Up close and personal with Furtherfield

netbehaviour netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Mon Nov 19 14:28:44 CET 2012

Up close and personal with Furtherfield

By Randall Packer

Our collective portrait was part of the Global Concept Exchange, an 
extraordinary discussion with the mercurial Ruth Catlow and Marc 
Garrett, founders of the London-based Furtherfield, who for the past 
fifteen years have challenging the far-reaching possibilities of what it 
means to be an alternative arts organization in the age of the Net. As 
part of our ongoing series of Open Source Studio gatherings, the event 
brought together a group of new media artists who are actively part of 
the Furtherfield family of net practitioners. Or, as Annie remarked, 
rather than a family, this is a band that rocks: Helen Varley Jamieson, 
Andy Deck, Nathaniel Stern, Annie Abrahams. Each in turn spoke about 
their work with Furtherfield, how they have been supported by the 
opportunity to exhibit and perform in Furtherfield's London gallery, 
write about their work on the Furtherfield site, and participate in a 
form of collective agency: Furtherfield as a platform and catalyst for 
socially engaged cultural production and experimentation.


Part of the Global Concept Exchange -- Collaboration & Community meeting 
on-line - November 12 -- 18

Other Info:

Furtherfield - A living, breathing, thriving network
http://www.furtherfield.org - for art, technology and social change since 1997

Also - Furtherfield Gallery&  Social Space:

About Furtherfield:

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


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