[NetBehaviour] [piksel] PIKSEL[X] - Kernel Panic! - 22-25 Nov. 2012, Bergen (NO)

Piksel infobot info at piksel.no
Tue Nov 20 22:29:54 CET 2012

Piksel[X] — Kernel Panic!

The 10th annual Piksel Festival for Art and Free Technologies. 
- Exhibitions – workshops – live art – presentations
- November 22-25, Bergen (NO)
- http://piksel.no/p12

The Piksel festival is 10 years and we are celebrating with a series of events
 through the year culminating in the PIKSEL[X] festival in November.

The festival subtitle ‘Kernel Panic!’ is connecting to the Piksel festivals origin 
of Linux based development, and describes what happens when the operating 
system is overloaded and goes to a full halt to protect itself from further damage.
This can serve as a metaphor for the situation today when our common operating 
system is more and more getting close to a full breakdown. The economy crisis,
 global warming, social turmoil and wars are accelerating into a global state of 
emergency which is a serious threat to the infrastructure that holds our civilization together. 
The resulting state of operation is chaotic and unpredictable.

PIKSEL[X] presents a wide variety of expressions that represent various strategies for 
how young artists of today experience and relate to the changing times.



EXHIBITIONS @ Galleri 3,14, KNIPSU & Østre/Lydgalleriet

Malte Steiner, La Societe Anonyme, Amanda Steggell, Oscar Martin Correa,
Daniel Palacios Jimenez, DamnLab, Peter Flemming, Louise Harris, 
Jordi Planas, Bruno González, Jeff Thompson, Alexander Senko


Afroditi Psarra, Ryan Jordan, Jonathan Kemp, John Bowers, Louise Harris,
Restlichtverstärker, Noish, Harald Fetveit, Agnes Hvizdalek 
RJ Fischer, Séamus O´Donnell, Constanza PIÑA, Isabel CROXATTO, Mark Cetilia, 
Kasia Justka, Tonylight, Otolab, Audio Blast Festival


Piksels and Lines Orchestra, Leploop, Drawing Circuits - 
Platform for hand-drawn circuit boards, Weise7 - The in/compatible laboratorium

WORKSHOPS @ Tapetmessen, BEK, Bergen Public Library

Arduino workshop for young people, Experimental Electromagnetism, 
LITE2SOUND, Transmission + Interference, Design of open source hardware running Linux
using open source tools, Blender 3D modelling and animation, Experimental Communication

more info and complete festival program:

Piksel[X] is supported by Arts Council Norway, Bergen Municipality, 
Hordaland County, EU Culture Programme and Austrian Embassy Oslo

Piksel is an international event for artists and developers working with
free and open technologies in artistic practice.
Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, and 
involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, 
coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances 
and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free technologies & art.

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