[NetBehaviour] Stan VanDerBeek: Violence Sonata / The History of Violence in America (1969-70).
netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Thu Nov 22 12:53:39 CET 2012
Stan VanDerBeek: Violence Sonata / The History of Violence in America
Stan VanDerBeek was part of the “Rockefeller Artists-in-Television”
residency program at Boston public television station WGBH from
1969–1970, during which time he produced the simulcast television
program Violence Sonata. The program, directed by David Atwood and Fred
Barzyk, was transmitted simultaneously on both Channels 2 and 44 on
January 12, 1970, with the suggestion that viewers place two television
sets side-by-side. Following sonata form, the piece is composed of three
segments: “Man,” “Man to Woman,” and “Man to Man.” The simultaneous
broadcast consisted of material VanDerBeek composed from previous films,
archival and newsreel footage, video shot in Boston for the show, and
filmed collages, further manipulated and enhanced through overlays and
color saturation. Sections of the broadcast were played before a live
studio audience, with actors also performing a play written by
VanDerBeek for the show. Home viewers were encouraged to call in their
responses to the program between the acts. The series of collages
entitled, The History of Violence in America was conceived as layouts
for reproduction and publication in a booklet to accompany the broadcast.
via http://www.stanvanderbeek.com/
video excerpt (Violence Sonata)
Download (Violence Sonata – script, photo documentation, sketches,
collages, reviews)
Download (The History of Violence in America, 22 pages)
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