James Wallbank james at lowtech.org
Thu Nov 22 18:56:07 CET 2012

Hello Netbehaviourists,

New Left Review 77, September-October 2012

I just went to follow up this link, to be confronted with...*

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Please login on the left to read more or buy the article for £3

Oh, I'm just feeling the radicalism. Yes, yes, I know it's a cheap shot 
and hard working critics and radicals need to earn a crust, but this is 
the internet, baby! Information wants to be free.

At the AHRC's "Digital Transformations Moot" on Monday, Prof. John 
Naughton remarked "Copying is to the digital what breathing is to 
biological life." Thus, I can report that Julian's (no doubt very 
interesting) article is... dead on arrival.

Come on, New Left Review, do something REALLY radical - like publishing 
online for free.

(Now ducking to avoid numerous brickbats).


On 22/11/12 12:07, netbehaviour wrote:
> julian stallabrass
> At Documenta 13
> Documenta, held every five years in the central German city of Kassel,
> is the art world’s equivalent of the Olympics. While its scale may be
> rivalled by Venice, its quinquennial timetable and large budget allow
> curators time to develop an elaborate vision, and it has often been used
> to test the temperature of contemporary art production. Some previous
> editions have been influential in changing the direction of the art
> world—for instance, Catherine David’s documenta 10 and Okwui Enwezor’s
> documenta 11 (to use the official typography) did much to push it
> towards documentary and a greater engagement with politics.
> New Left Review 77, September-October 2012
> http://newleftreview.org/II/77/julian-stallabrass-radical-camouflage-at-documenta

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