[NetBehaviour] Dec events: show + symposium on water ecologies near San Francisco / performance at Berkeley

Sonja van Kerkhoff sonjavank at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 23 16:58:19 CET 2012

About a show on the theme of water and its global and local roles, curated by Suzon Fuks near San Francisco until Dec 13http://sensonja.wordpress.com/2012/11/03/convergence/

I'll be doing a performance on 7 Dec at Berkeley

And participating in Suzon Fuks' WATERWHEEL symposium (which will be streamed live)details: http://blog.water-wheel.net/2012/11/convergence-divergence-exhibition-6-nov.html

and giving the talk: "A kilometre of people, a herd of elephants, a roomful of videos" 
on 8 Dec @ 7p.m. in SF (email me for details if interested)

Sonja van Kerkhoff
ART: sonjavank.com  DESIGN: sonjavank.com/design  
VIDEOS: youtube.com/sonjavank  VIDEOS: vimeo.com/sonjavank
ART projects 2012-2013: sensonja.wordpress.com ART + MEDIA BLOG: sonjavank.wordpress.com 

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