[NetBehaviour] Online Artist(s) Commission, e-Permanent

Edward Picot edward at edwardpicot.com
Mon Nov 26 19:06:02 CET 2012

Dear all -

I just saw this in the Arts Jobs list:

  Online Artist Commission, e-PERMANENT

*South East* Closes Friday 21 December 2012 Paid (£15k-20k pro rata) 
Part time *Artform:* interdisciplinary arts 
<http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/index.php?id=125>, visual arts 
<http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/index.php?id=121>, Other, digital art 
*Contact:* Laura Mousavi lauramousavi at permanentgallery.com 
<mailto:lauramousavi at permanentgallery.com?subject=Re%20Online%20Artist%20Commission> 


Proposals are invited for the new online exhibition space 
e-permanent.org. The selected artist will receive a £600 fee to realise 
the commission which will be presented on e-permanent.org in February 
2013. e-permanent.org has been conceived to provide a platform for 
artists experimenting with the internet as medium and/or presentation 
space. We are interested to receive proposals from artists who work in 
any media but the proposal must be for a work which is intended 
specifically to be viewed/presented online. This is the first of three 
commissions that will be selected from open calls over the next year.

We welcome submissions from individuals and groups of all ages, at any 
stage of their career and based anywhere in the world.

e-PERMANENT is a Permanent Project. Permanent is a not-for-profit 
organisation which supports artists to realise experimental exhibitions 
of contemporary art.

Apply online 
here: http://www.e-permanent.org/e-permanent-artist-commission/e-permanent-submission-form/

Deadline: 6pm, Friday 21st December, 2012

For further information see www.e-permanent.org. For enquiries email 
lauramousavi at permanentgallery.com.

e-PERMANENT.org is supported by Phoenix Brighton and Arts Council England.

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