[NetBehaviour] ABOUT MY LIFE By Ida Spaulding 9/13/09
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Thu Nov 29 12:55:43 CET 2012
ABOUT MY LIFE By Ida Spaulding 9/13/09
Link to Youtube Vid
Text of poem below
Nobody's interested
in my experiences
the things I've loved
the time I taught
my horses to shake hands
or my beehives' glorious honey
the silkworms I raised
and got some silk to spin
No one cares about the places I've been.
Once I invited the neighbors
for Turkish tea, fired up the samovar
until steam rose in the Berkeley Hills.
These friends couldn't care less
about my experiences
Nobody wants to hear
that I sat with my first husband
the father of our child in a gay bar
before 'gay' was in the vocabulary
and tried to understand that he could
go to jail for how he loved someone.
No one wants to hear that
He educated me far beyond
my university
Would anyone care to hear
about my being out of my head
with real hallucinations?
And I've never taken LSD.
Anyone want to know about
my gratitude to my husband
for not committing me or
drugging me to become normal
Whatever normal is
Does anyone want to see
the notes back to me
from Norman O. Brown
after I sent him all my poems
or see his new book delivered
to me hot off the press
Love's Body, significantly not signed
No one wants to hear about Peter Orlovsky,
his work in my garden.
that he borrowed the car
about riding horseback with Allen Ginsberg
or the time I had tea at their place
Peter so beautiful in red jockey shorts
Allen extolling meditation
Nobody wants to hear about that
Who wants to know about
the service trip to India?
How to empower people who
live the shanti towns of New Delhi.
Nobody wants to hear that
let alone do that
Nothing about my children
Nor about my good husband, 87
still in the Boulder Bolder race
Nobody wants to hear
how much
I enjoy my life
how simple I am -----
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