[NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 1

Michael Szpakowski szpako at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 30 23:49:20 CET 2012

this is wonderful. It's very smart, very funny, very odd and altogether compelling.
I can't wait for the next one....

 From: Edward Picot <edward at edwardpicot.com>
To: netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org 
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 7:49 PM
Subject: [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 1
Dear all -

A puppet-animation based (loosely) on the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, 
and made entirely with open-source software, except for a short animated 
section at the end which was made with Flash MX. Kind of a Dr Hairy spinoff.

In this episode, Gilgamesh incautiously boasts that he can beat anybody 
in a fight - even his patroness, the Goddess Aruru. When Aruru herself 
hears of his boast, she decides to send a new hero to challenge him. 
Episode 1 of 10.

You can see it on YouTube, on Vimeo, or (if you've got one of the newer 
browsers) on my website. Please visit http://edwardpicot.com/gilgamesh .

- Edward Picot
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