January 2013 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Jan 2 03:39:49 CET 2013
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:58:16 CET 2013
Messages: 231
- [NetBehaviour] (no subject)
Anthony Stephenson
- [NetBehaviour] (no subject)
Anthony Stephenson
- [NetBehaviour] (no subject)
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] (no subject)
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] -- incessant --
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] 20 drawings of felix the cat
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] 20 drawings of felix the cat
Martha Deed
- [NetBehaviour] 20 drawings of felix the cat
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] 541-386-7482
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] ========================================= dead music
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] [announce] Digital Design Cybersalon 30/1/13
- [NetBehaviour] Aaron Swartz
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
Marco Donnarumma
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
Helge Peters
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
- [NetBehaviour] A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson.
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] A disjointed conversation ? Claire > Bishop, The Digital > Divide, and the State of New Media > Contemporary Art. (dave miller)
Anthony Stephenson
- [NetBehaviour] A disjointed conversation – Claire Bishop, The Digital Divide, and the State of New Media Contemporary Art.
- [NetBehaviour] A disjointed conversation – Claire Bishop, The Digital Divide, and the State of New Media Contemporary Art.
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] after mondrian
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] after mondrian
Martha Deed
- [NetBehaviour] after mondrian
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Ahmet and Shtetl
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Alan Sondheim and others at DMG
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Alan Sondheim and others at DMG
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] algorave - live dates and calls
- [NetBehaviour] Algorithms and Control.
- [NetBehaviour] Alice Channer, Jessica Jackson-Hutchins and Linder
- [NetBehaviour] An interview: Christina McPhee with Louis-Georges Schwartz...
- [NetBehaviour] Anonymous Press
Franck Ancel
- [NetBehaviour] Apple users launch privacy campaign against Google
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] ArtsIT 2013 - call for posters session - 15 January 2013
Diego Bernini
- [NetBehaviour] Awesome Game Design class at General Assembly - Jan 12th
Pollie Barden
- [NetBehaviour] Awesome Game Design class at General Assembly - Jan 12th
Emilie Giles
- [NetBehaviour] best for 2013 + reminder - call for 3WDS13
Suzon Fuks
- [NetBehaviour] Blurd
james at jwm-art.net
- [NetBehaviour] Boiled potato sandwich
james at jwm-art.net
- [NetBehaviour] Boiled potato sandwich
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] BWPWAP / Depletion Design / Transmediale 2013
Soenke Zehle
- [NetBehaviour] BWPWAP / Depletion Design / Transmediale 2013
Ignacio Nieto
- [NetBehaviour] BWPWAP or TINNUTS - join common practice at Transmediale 2013
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Applications | Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. PhD in Practice.
- [NetBehaviour] call for papers: visual methods conf. in New Zealand
Sonja van Kerkhoff
- [NetBehaviour] Call for submissions: Internet Memes and Visual Culture
Galactic Surprise
- [NetBehaviour] Class Wargames host classic political board games Sunday afternoons
- [NetBehaviour] Conference: The Politics of the Social in Contemporary Art, Tate Modern, London, 15 Feb.
Gavin Grindon
- [NetBehaviour] confession
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] confessions - more of the same, the end of them
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] David Bowie new single; Review by Artist Taxi Driver.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Death of an internet prodigy - Aaron Swartz
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] dec12 (discontent)
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] desire in language
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] Digicult Interviews: Joe Banks: Rorschach Audio. EVP, Psychoacoustics and Auditory Illusions
Redazione Digicult
- [NetBehaviour] Digital Design Cybersalon 30/1/13
- [NetBehaviour] DIWO: Do It With Others – No Ecology without Social Ecology.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Dramatic, Sinuous, Plebeian Teenager in Need of Something
Isaac Aronson
- [NetBehaviour] Dramatic, Sinuous, Plebeian Teenager in Need of Something
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] Dramatic, Sinuous, Plebeian Teenager in Need of Something
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] e-artexte : table ronde et lancement | e-artexte : Round Table and Launch
C MacDonald
- [NetBehaviour] Electronic Literature Organization ELO 2013 Paris: Call for Artistic Proposals
- [NetBehaviour] ephemeron
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] ephemeron
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Facebook VS Visual Poetry (Gif Version)
Filipe Matos
- [NetBehaviour] flamenco wilding
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] flu/id music
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] fluxbox, conky, the orb, and sister wendy
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] fo1xcomn Sessions
- [NetBehaviour] FREE PAST
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: fembot: CFP: Ada Lovelace Conference
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Genetic Moo / The London Group Centenary Exhibition - Pitzhanger Manor.
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
bob catchpole
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Georgio Morandi: Lines of Poetry.
bob catchpole
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Simone Hutchinson
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
isabel brison
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh (Edward Picot)
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 3
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 4
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 4
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Glitch aart objects for show
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Glitch aart objects for show
- [NetBehaviour] Glitch aart objects for show
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Glitch aart objects for show
a bill miller
- [NetBehaviour] Happy new year to all
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Happy new year to all
Martha Deed
- [NetBehaviour] happy plane
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] i'm sew bloody shellfish think youd like two here me wine
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] I am Facebot
- [NetBehaviour] Idle Screenings
a bill miller
- [NetBehaviour] Idle Screenings
- [NetBehaviour] Idle Screenings
a bill miller
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] Interface Cultures Master Study Program-now accepting applications.
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with James Lowne. By Sarah Thompson.
- [NetBehaviour] It’s the Political Economy, Stupid
- [NetBehaviour] Jennifer Chan's Manifesto at the WAG - Widget Art Gallery. January 6th - February 6th, 2013.
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Jennifer Chan's Manifesto at the WAG - Widget Art Gallery. January 6th - February 6th, 2013.
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Links
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Links
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Lion King Remake
mark cooley
- [NetBehaviour] London – Mapping the E-Motional City / body>data>space
- [NetBehaviour] Mapping Emergence 2012: The Outcomes « Mapping Emergence: Nomads, Nodes, Strings & Paths
- [NetBehaviour] Marcel Broothaers
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Me 'n Azure at Downtown Music Gallery
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Metaphor of the Blind
- [NetBehaviour] Migratory Dreams - Sueños Migratorios - 02 March 2013
- [NetBehaviour] Mozilla Game On
Pollie Barden
- [NetBehaviour] Musical Metacreation Weekend (MUME-WE-2013) - Call for Participation
- [NetBehaviour] music you can't buy: a serenade in Rome
- [NetBehaviour] My 70th Unbirthday this Sunday :-(
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 1516, Issue 1
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] New old saz and flute
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] New publication EUROPEAN FLUXUS FESTIVALS 1962-1977 'The lunatics are on the loose ...'
- [NetBehaviour] New Review - Experimental Theatre: Public Domain by Roger Bernat.
- [NetBehaviour] North Korea threatens new nuclear test 'aimed' at US (audio)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] np
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] NYT: (Copyright) "Is Google like Gas or Like Steel?" Neither, it is like Nernst's Third Law of Thermodynamics (or the Nicene Creed.
michael gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] NYT: (Copyright) "Is Google like Gas or Like Steel?" Neither, it is like Nernst's Third Law of Thermodynamics (or the Nicene Creed.
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] NYT: (Copyright) "Is Google like Gas or Like Steel?" Neither, it is like Nernst's Third Law of Thermodynamics (or the Nicene Creed.
michael gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] NYT: (Copyright) “Is Google like Gas or Like Steel?” Neither, it is like Nernst’s Third Law of Thermodynamics (or the Nicene Creed…
michael gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] NYT: (Copyright) “Is Google like Gas or Like Steel?” Neither, it is like Nernst’s Third Law of Thermodynamics (or the Nicene Creed…
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] off drone, music in mourning
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] One Minute Vols 3-4 this weekend at Furtherfield Gallery
Alessandra Scapin
- [NetBehaviour] One Minute Volumes 1-6
- [NetBehaviour] One Minute Volumes 1-6 Update...
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Onsite Magical and Theatrical Journey - INVITATION to Start Operation Systems
Hedva Eltanani
- [NetBehaviour] on the way
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] open letter to JSTOR in memoriam of Aaron Swartz.
- [NetBehaviour] Opportunity for artists used to working with text
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Ordering pizza with a computer, 1974
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] oud nearing the end of illness
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Permutation & Combination
- [NetBehaviour] Philip K. Dick: 3 ‘rare’ poems.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] PLANET / SATELLITE
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Proof of aliens
james at jwm-art.net
- [NetBehaviour] Proof of aliens
manila manila.10
- [NetBehaviour] R.I.P Nagisa Oshima.. (Merry Xmas Mr.Lawrence, In the Realm of Senses)
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Recent Films Studied (2012)
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] Reel Islington Film Festival 2013 - February 2013
- [NetBehaviour] REMEDY OR POISON
- [NetBehaviour] Remembering Who We Are
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] reminder: Downtown Music Gallery this Sunday at 6 pm!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] REMINDER: One Minute Vols 1-6 opens this Saturday
Alessandra Scapin
- [NetBehaviour] reviewers needed
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] ROYAL MAIL
- [NetBehaviour] sazen http://lounge.espdisk.com/archives/1018
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] saz problems
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Scratch and Makey Makey workshops at Futherfield Gallery - February 2013
Alessandra Scapin
- [NetBehaviour] Scratch Workshops by Codasign at Furtherfield.
- [NetBehaviour] SERDE: Call for artists in residencies
- [NetBehaviour] seven notes holding my mind together
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Sherwood Rise - an Augmented Reality transmedia graphic novel
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Sherwood Rise - an Augmented Reality transmedia graphic novel
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Sherwood Rise - an Augmented Reality transmedia graphic novel
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Sherwood Rise - an Augmented Reality transmedia graphic novel
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Sherwood Rise - an Augmented Reality transmedia graphic novel
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Shomei Tomatsu - Passing of a Master Photgrapher
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] snow ride
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] snow ride - corrected link
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] solo pipa which weather kept away
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Some drawings - Happy New Year!
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Some drawings - Happy New Year!
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Some drawings - Happy New Year!
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Some drawings - Happy New Year! (ruth catlow)
suzon at water-wheel.net
- [NetBehaviour] Some drawings - Happy New Year! (ruth catlow)
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] some recent photos
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Speculative Realities
Michael Dieter
- [NetBehaviour] spells and paraphernalia to make safe an accountancy textbook // ...mi ritrovai per una selva oscura...
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] stars burn ice-cold and ferocious
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] suroz around a quarter tone
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] tabla plus
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Technology Will Save Us Electro Dough workshop Saturday 12th January
Emilie Giles
- [NetBehaviour] Technology Will Save Us Electro Dough workshop Saturday 12th January
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Technology Will Save Us Electro Dough workshop Saturday 12th January
Emilie Giles
- [NetBehaviour] THAT
- [NetBehaviour] The Art Licks Weekend - PROJECTS CALL OUT
- [NetBehaviour] The Ditsy Bop
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] The Fantastic Futuristic Drawing Project - Open Call!
Antye Greie Ripatti
- [NetBehaviour] The latest Digicult interviews & articles
Redazione Digicult
- [NetBehaviour] The Madness of Art, Season 4 Epidode 4 - "Candy in the Corner"
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] The making of Comic Sans Must Die.
- [NetBehaviour] The Standard National Corpus
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] the tunnel
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] This Evening at Downtown Music Gallery
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Three Junctures Of Remix
- [NetBehaviour] Three Junctures of Remix opens Thursday, January 17 at gallery at calit2
Trish Stone
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #336
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #337
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #337
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #338
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #339
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #340
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #341
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #342
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #343
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] Trans luna ism
james at jwm-art.net
- [NetBehaviour] Trans luna ism
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Turbulence Commission: "Panemoticon" by Ali Miharbi and John Priestley
- [NetBehaviour] Turner Debenhams
james at jwm-art.net
- [NetBehaviour] Voice Studies 11 (Blamey) & 12 (Sondheim) (fwd, please post)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] We Never Look Up
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] We Never Look Up
Radovan Misovic
- [NetBehaviour] Whose image? James did you make this image for DIWO at the Dark Mountain?
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Whose image? James did you make this image for DIWO at the Dark Mountain?
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Window Zoos Exhibition Singapore OPEN CALL
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Window Zoos Exhibition Singapore OPEN CALL
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Window Zoos Exhibition Singapore OPEN CALL
- [NetBehaviour] Window Zoos Exhibition Singapore OPEN CALL
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Window Zoos Exhibition Singapore OPEN CALL
- [NetBehaviour] WOODEN BIKE
- [NetBehaviour] workshop “Building Local Autonomy Networks” Sao Paulo.
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:58:16 CET 2013
Archived on: Sat Jan 18 01:34:49 CET 2020
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).