March 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Mar 1 00:53:27 CET 2013
Ending: Sun Mar 31 07:22:25 CEST 2013
Messages: 275
- [NetBehaviour] Richard Stallman lecture - please come along - and spread the word!
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] painting degree zero / drawing stuff
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Microcode: Nude Descending a Staircase
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] New Aesthetics: Cyber-Aesthetics and Degrees of Autonomy.
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Eduardo Valle
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Eduardo Valle
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Eduardo Valle
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Eduardo Valle
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Eduardo Valle
- [NetBehaviour] For the ones that Thinks internet , digital techs, software , etc and etc are f(r)ee , equal and neutral
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Furtherfield needs to raise £10,000 by the end of April 2013.
- [NetBehaviour] Furtherfield needs to raise £10,000 by the end of April 2013.
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Año 55 de la Revolución!
Johannes Birringer
- [NetBehaviour] Dolorous: Antique Swiss Thorens Chromatic Harmonica
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Hohner Super 64 Chromonica Solo
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] A FUNNY JOKE!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] No Art Ecology without “P2P” Social Ecology.
- [NetBehaviour] industrial sarangi
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] jews
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] R.I.P McEvilley - Art & Otherness
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] cosmos
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] New to the List
Fala Buggy
- [NetBehaviour] becomingdingstrain endversing sequandstills 03-03-2013-203943.intrahcurveangturesrunning in beingsrestrained , speechquencing theateringsendversingand syntaxwounds handingtogetherscenes of transgressingfingsbefore first and lastwounds againtowards light tight voidsin repeatingtions seekshooverdooming colorislands hindsein middlewaysfullfacesurs and endgine storestanderslocatinglobjects with one and onesunstightlight and lightight buildsements sedimenting sentencesseasonsongs and singsingsoundswreason for writing winding syllablelabelsstatic static staticwhy not enumerating ?the timecatch equalonint thesethe standing than a propertietriptych real something start, day gepasstonthe axonometriction axisdwindle , inserted the of mirrorchi dis ssem of multitude addinghalingworld and breakable overwritingmetallic daycloudsmusweldorltand sixwas thingswrong patternsbulbousif all waters thensecond past thickness
- [NetBehaviour] their coming
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Talk outline for SXSW Glitch Panel and background material
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] skinbridge
Alan Sondheim
John Wild
- [NetBehaviour] Music Improvisation: New course at Underacademy College!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Invitation Fukushima #DesertoRosso 11 march 2013
Franck Ancel
- [NetBehaviour] Anyone used Phonegap for android tablet or iPad development? Screen sizing issues?
Pollie Barden
- [NetBehaviour] the vi * tracking of a certain device
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] NetBehaviour Digest, Vol 1580, Issue 1
Anthony Stephenson
- [NetBehaviour] Ars Bioarctica Residency 2013 – application deadline 6.4.2013
- [NetBehaviour] Pier Paulo Pasolini - Speaks, Draws and Paints
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Marrying Online Projects to Print
Martha Deed
- [NetBehaviour] how i do it how i don't do it how i makemistakes how i correct them how i amashamed how i am learning how i amfailing how i am repeating myself how iam trying something new how i am closeto giving up how i begin again how i doit how i don't do it how i sarangi howi don't
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] V5MT at the WAG - Widget Art Gallery. March 6th - April 6th, 2013
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Tech positions available at Hybrid Publishing
- [NetBehaviour] Tom White's residency on Southampton Way Estate, Peckham
Betty Martins
- [NetBehaviour] Chat about tablet phone development March 7 or 8th?
Pollie Barden
- [NetBehaviour] Announcing Libre Graphics magazine issue 2.1
Antonio Roberts
- [NetBehaviour] there are facts in philosophy
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Water Day Waterwheel on line Symposium 22-23 March 2013
Sonja van Kerkhoff
- [NetBehaviour] Fw: there are facts in philosophy
- [NetBehaviour] Old Course Outlines - State of the Net a Couple of Decades Ago
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Illusions In Motion | Media Archaeology of the Moving Panorama & Related Spectacles.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Dirty New Media // Revolution 02
- [NetBehaviour] Codasign - Scratch Workshop @Furtherfield space - 9-10 March 2013
- [NetBehaviour] No More Poodles II: Bogue versus Vogue.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Data as Culture: Open Day
- [NetBehaviour] science is best
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] hacked up
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] Erased de Kooning
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Being in the uncomfortable middle and the continued need for physical space.
- [NetBehaviour] UnderAcademy College CYCLE 4
Talan Memmott
- [NetBehaviour] a few close up instead of lots from a distance
- [NetBehaviour] 3/9/2013 10:42:15 AM
sonya n. brown
- [NetBehaviour] Eccentric filmmakers - Aki Kaurismaki and John Waters
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Affective Twins [Kindle Edition]
- [NetBehaviour] Born Digital at the Huffington Post
Jason Nelson
- [NetBehaviour] 4 new things
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] SXSW
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] "We have a situation!"
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] PRINT <INPUT> <OUTPUT>
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Algoraves in Brighton and London
- [NetBehaviour] Hollis Frampton Poetic Digital Justice
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] the book is the i
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] sideplaining skindeasevens 12-03-2013-005210.intrahsidepanes plainging streesstonepanesiding plaisning derspritcion ocean atlanscaping rectangular planstswriting on skin with skions writing the skin with siodesskin reading the skinrangewith skin skinned numberknowing , and next notcinering circular geometryringring volveins timeriodseventadel heatplainsewordsand stards pastonerationhanind , pushing vaweaves ter tingsidepanes plaining overvriting listingthessies , leanding againstvicilistationmarking world&landslandbustititung through midsentencewater , watersleway liquefying approximatesuccessingages imanendingflleenks , to border and bottom , ingsplila repeatirepeating resranking bodies and fumedomesaltsworks after for constitutingthe salts therefor after forstituthing , qinuin with question transgraved,
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Articles
sachiko hayashi
- [NetBehaviour] Hacking To Make Music Accessible Day
- [NetBehaviour] The London Situation: We Have A Situation!
- [NetBehaviour] New Media Art Cybersalon - Next Sessions 27th March 2013.
- [NetBehaviour] this Friday afternoon @ Phonix Brighton with e-permanent ++
- [NetBehaviour] Mahmoud Darwish - Eleven Planets & Two Edens
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Call for participation - VIDA workshops program: Mission Eternity Stowaway led by etoy.Corporation
monica bello
- [NetBehaviour] twittawoo: Call for owls
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] My panel talk at the glitch panel, SXSW (without visuals)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] some thought about augmented reality (ar)(before and after sxsw)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] March 23rd in Paris : Performance Mission FCTA – Trust in the Technics of Others
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] Grackles at SXSW, Austin, 2013
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Back to the music where one instrument aligns itselfwith the other. memory's disservice.
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] This afternoon Reminder @ Phoenix Brighton with e-permanent
- [NetBehaviour] Nigredo, physically induced perceptual deprivation and the distinction of self
Marco Donnarumma
- [NetBehaviour] I forked myself
- [NetBehaviour] bucketmaps of named angles 15-03-2013-222835.intrahscorner , cornfrontation setting in placesettingputting , to set up to put esmapbucketing , first appearances in listingflow naming crowolumnsintending angledintending handles , angling direction showhow , howstonestartsdirrects horns , inbuildingbrirding , thing touchbridge and tunnel cage , crave on surface roomresponding fencestwibiological offspring , logical onspring to wall floor ceiling , in housingrefleecing , letterswering roamingdifferent instances,
- [NetBehaviour] bucketmaps of named angles 15-03-2013-222835.intrahscorner , cornfrontation setting in placesettingputting , to set up to put esmapbucketing , first appearances in listingflow naming crowolumnsintending angledintending handles , angling direction showhow , howstonestartsdirrects horns , inbuildingbrirding , thing touchbridge and tunnel cage , crave on surface roomresponding fencestwibiological offspring , logical onspring to wall floor ceiling , in housingrefleecing , letterswering roamingdifferent instances,
Bjørn Magnhildøen
- [NetBehaviour] "Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium" online, 22-23 March 2013
Sonja van Kerkhoff
- [NetBehaviour] Would like comments in relation to an upcoming talk -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Swollen: solo sarangi with octave halver (do give a listen!)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Re Stephen Wolfram - check this out -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] 'The Thing' Redialed: how a BBS changed the art world and came back from the dead.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Audition
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Huffington Post wonderments
Jason Nelson
- [NetBehaviour] [my early net history, names removed]
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Incautious Porn
- [NetBehaviour] The Private Life of a Drone (Video)
Lichty, Patrick
- [NetBehaviour] after johns
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] invitation this Friday/Satruday to 3WDS13
Suzon Fuks
- [NetBehaviour] Playing session with Edward Schneider
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] The Revenge of the Situationists
- [NetBehaviour] The Sun Newspaper vigilant guardians????? OMFG!!!!!
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Essay of the Day: Peer-Producing Alternative Futures.
- [NetBehaviour] The factory-floor knowledge economy.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Richard Stallman lecture - Wednesday 20 March 18:00 - 21:00, University Bedfordshire Luton
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] MA/MSc in Creating Social Media at Goldsmiths, University of London
dan mcquillan
- [NetBehaviour] AVATARS AND THEORY (about 1995-2013)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] words on paper 18-03-2013-2202.intrah redrawing - sea colorbones - child issuetimer - salt tinsect - window imalimage - chair glasspadoneor - house rooms stringbeinanst - table ,
- [NetBehaviour] eternally frozen (d/y ethereal radio broadcast #149)
curt at
- [NetBehaviour] Session with Chris Diasparra
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] HEXA_OUT no. 3 : When Forms of Life Collide
- [NetBehaviour] EphemeraJournal | ephemera issue on free work released
- [NetBehaviour] Synaesthesia / 3: History of the Senses
- [NetBehaviour] Culture Machine Live - Podcast series.
- [NetBehaviour] The middle finger response - crowd workers of the world, united in a gesture.
Guido Segni
- [NetBehaviour] more or less explaining
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] revised text on animal and plant extinctions, comments greatly appreciated -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #344
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] codework: sorted morse definition -.. .- .-- -.. .- .-- -.. .-
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] No Detectable Level.
- [NetBehaviour] [announce] New Media Art Cybersalon 27/3/13.
- [NetBehaviour] Resonate festival
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] Update. The London Situation - We Have A Situation!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] MUSIC HACKSHIP - One day festival, 30th March
Sus Garcia
- [NetBehaviour] REMINDER: THIS SATURDAY - We have a Situation! - The London Situation Performance
Alessandra Scapin
- [NetBehaviour] The Roadside Museum | Open call for artists.
- [NetBehaviour] Blogpost: Multistakeholderism vs. Democracy: My Adventures in "Stakeholderland"
michael gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] An Evening with Electronic Literature Organization: Tues., 3/35!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Sweatshop game too controversial for Apple.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Gilgamesh, part 6
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Kitchen reading date correction - it's Monday the 25th of March - see below -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] saz adjusted
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Free exhibition opportunity - Cardiff
nicola schauerman
- [NetBehaviour] ASH IS | CRYSTAL | ETCH
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] toegristle #345
Corey Eiseman
- [NetBehaviour] R.I.P Chinua Achebe
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Abertay and Yuck ’n Yum Seek Artist to Merge Worlds of Forensics and Art
- [NetBehaviour] Biophysical Music Poland Tour - Bios at Techne@Art
Marco Donnarumma
- [NetBehaviour] the engine
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] blue purple and grey 23-03-2013-011810.intrahis are about naming , conventionthe purple is not saying blue" blue"the purple is blue"purplegrey , a field a continent a land weltorld,
- [NetBehaviour] collaborative materials transformed
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] PPP
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] We Have a Situation At Furtherfield - is live Today.
- [NetBehaviour] broadcast yourself in a closed exhibition
Darija Medic
- [NetBehaviour] cycling electric saz
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] TAKSIM Collaboration w/ Murat, Azure, Maria, myself, ongoing
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] DVblog back for a week, w/c 24th March
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] London Algorave, MS Stubnitz, 18th April - tickets now available
- [NetBehaviour] DVblog back for a week
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] substraction fields 24-03-2013-214125.intrahinfoursfloors , fieldingstrewnstrowstraw , characterstrens sioua-ous substituting a wordthreewritingoverwrittens , rw liuquidsgroundadditiongroundadditionsinsertionsretractionregional spacesoverwriting branchinsertions , substracting groupsets,
- [NetBehaviour] Questions, Not Answers, Regarding the Post-#PyCon 2013 Fallout
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Saz playing up on Soundcloud
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Pluralitys
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Immenity of Nominalim
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Participation: Global Conference on Mobility Futures
Jen Southern
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] UNMALNAEBE 9 reading and sound and discussion and talk event free!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Autonomy
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] Banzai
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] ILLUSORY TECHNOLOGICAL EMANCIPATION | Closing of "Open Laboratory" residency @Paris | Sun. 7 April 14h-18h
- [NetBehaviour] kind of thing I'm talking about at Hastac
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] above the law
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Heritage
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Resonate 2013 interviews
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] Second Life Maelstron Video!!!
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] new world turnsingsetreaves 27-03-2013-014655.intrahrevolvingenclosing plainlaneturnsmeasuring manrelatingtoturningsinearthworld claims of sich drehend , inclusions universeal chaptermentscentering borderingsrerotating orderings , strings ingsingse chaptermensinwelding weltsrounding , envelopmental soundlayerabsences static location changeswithitprogresspreavingturnbitting orbitselvesneworldingtrees, turntouchedings andout ineworldleaves 28-03-2013-001438.intrahevolvingenclothed landscapeturnersmeasured rans , related things rithingworldearthsareaares , included within through sealthreadspointplacementsconnectingcementersand mensaeled reorderingalphabetsthe conditioned not stagedsurrounding , rounds focuesed collecting persons and things , between thoserevealingpressedithingsand morrired , reflectingwith neworldtre
- [NetBehaviour] All I could Find
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Ruth Catlow talk at Coventry School of Art and Design - Podcast
- [NetBehaviour] Reinhold Grether's 'netzwissenschaft' Net Art links web site back!
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] On / Off Art Paris
Franck Ancel
- [NetBehaviour] Enter - Fourth Annual - UNCG Sustainability Shorts Film Competition
Lichty, Patrick
- [NetBehaviour] The Noun and The Verb
Bishop Zareh
- [NetBehaviour] new long-necked saz piece
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] rough maquette for my reading this coming Tuesday
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] new works: new sisyphus | call for revolution
Jorn Ebner
- [NetBehaviour] Archive
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] New Sisyphus/call for revolution
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Ph.D. in Network Music Performance (NMP)
Kenneth Fields
- [NetBehaviour] revised reading text, final
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Easter Parade.. Picasso, Mike Kelly and Jurgen Trautwein - Ballet, fashion show etc.
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] reading maquettes with instruments
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] on lying
curt at
- [NetBehaviour] crashed reading
Alan Sondheim
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 07:22:25 CEST 2013
Archived on: Sat Jan 18 01:34:51 CET 2020
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