[NetBehaviour] The "End of the World Wide Web" ?

Jorn Ebner je at jornebner.de
Tue Feb 11 10:39:13 CET 2014

Hi List,

I have come across an article in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher  
Zeitung. The link was posted on the German list Rohrpost. The article  
is in German and quite long.


By way of summary: it is about changes that seem of be imminent in the  
way that states treat the world wide web, as a consequence of the NSA  
scandal. Brasil, for example, is looking to implement a national web  
legislation that will only allow content providers who store data on  
Brasilian servers to be visible in Brasil. The fear is that not only  
totalitarian states shut themselves off but also democratic ones.  
Apparently the bigname players have published an open letter a while  
ago, warning of economic dangers in creating national internets.

Maybe this of interest.


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