[NetBehaviour] Summer of the Shark: Artificial Life & The End(s) of Game Spaces in Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V.

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Jan 1 18:18:49 CET 2014

Summer of the Shark: Artificial Life & The End(s) of Game Spaces in 
Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V.

Channel TWo reviews Rockstar Games’ “Grand Theft Auto V,” released 
September 2013 and noted as “the fastest selling entertainment product 
in history.” Instead of the well-covered social and political aspects of 
the GTA series, this review focuses on the limits of the game landscape 
and the artificial life that inhabits it.


About the Authors.

Channel TWo is Adam Trowbridge and Jessica Westbrook, artists currently 
living in Chicago and working under the name Channel TWo. They received 
a 2012 Rhizome Commission, a 2011 Turbulence Commission for “NYC on 
Channel TWo.” They co-edited “Dynamic Coupling,” Fall 2010, Media-N: 
Journal of the New Media Caucus, addressing issues of collaboration in 
research, practice, and academia. Select recent projects/installations 
include: Spaces, Cleveland; Contemporary Art Museum, Raleigh, NC; Pace 
Digital Gallery, NYC; University of Wisconsin Madison, gli.tc/h/ 
festival, Kinsey Institute, Hyde Park Art Center, and the Block Museum. 
Westbrook and Trowbridge are Assistant Professors in The Department of 
Contemporary Practices at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. 

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