[NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians

mez breeze netwurker at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 21:59:27 CET 2014

On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Rob Myers <rob at robmyers.org> wrote:

> And then you saw the first episode of the new Sherlock? :-)
Too busy with the launch of wishforyouand.me [begins today] to watch the
new Sherlock...;) Mark, have you watched it?

> Mez you're much more generous to Moffat than I would be. He's
> misunderstood the very basis of the show (to the extent that fairytales
> and SF both take place in a strange and distant land yes they share some
> aesthetics and affordances, but he's thrown out Who's techno/social
> ethic in favour of an aesthetic of robes and staffs) and is worshiping
> at the altar of the "story arc" without being willing or able to do any
> of the planning or resolution that involves.

I'm still [constantly] oscillating as to Moffat's overall take: it could be
unintentional part-wonder-crafting, part-new-Whovian-pandering, but it also
could just be slopping work overall.

> I prefer the old American commentator's description of "that crazy space
> bum" to the aging British fanboy's "that wonderful man[.......]who is
> watching over us".

I think I like both?

> I'm not the only one. This article describes the schmaltz, cowardice and
> nastiness of Moffat's storytelling well:
> http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/12/the-captain-kirk-problem-how-em-doctor-who-em-betrayed-matt-smith/282690/

[Don't forget "potential/possible misogyny":)] And thanks for the article
link: will read when less "Wish4[0]"-ing.

> "Smith’s approach to the character, and the obvious on-screen chemistry
> he had with co-stars Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory
> Williams, and Alex Kingston as River Song helped the whole ensemble sell
> the entire ridiculous package that is Doctor Who. His first season had
> its problems, but the individual episodes and the season-long arc had
> enough momentum that—along with the slicker direction and more polished
> production values compared to the previous rebooted Who—the whole thing
> hung together well.

I was absolutely gobsmacked by the lack of finesse of the Ep involving the
exit of the Darvills.

> The problem was never with Smith’s performance. It was with Steven
> Moffat’s conception of the character."
Nice point: looking forward to reading the article.


>  - Rob.
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