[NetBehaviour] Non spectral performances - Zone film event Saturday night

Simon Mclennan mclennanfilm at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 22:54:44 CET 2014

Zone experimental film in Hundred Years Gallery - London - 11th Jan,  
7pm til late with bar and chat and food.

A packed evening includes Kent University's Galvanise Ensemble,  
Octabeast by Andrew Greaves, and
a new film by Sean Reynard:

"In Sean Reynard's latest video '321-(2.6.78)' we are exposed to one  
of the many 'hidden away' (and for good reason) VT Recordings filmed  
from the bowels of Yorkshire Television's notorious Studio 13 or "The  
Cesspit" as it was better known."

Also films from Vv Victoria, Robert Ross with 'Shark Taste' and many  


All the best and hope to see a few Netters in non-spectral guise.


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