[NetBehaviour] Othernet workshop 24-26 Jan / Weise7 / Berlin

netbehaviour netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Tue Jan 14 10:30:18 CET 2014

Othernet workshop 24-26 Jan / Weise7 / Berlin

As part of UrbanKnights programme and as a satellite event of
Transmediale '14, Studio Weise7 presents Othernet workshop.


Duration: 24-26th January, 11.00-18.00
Place: Studio Weise7, Berlin

In today's post-internet society data privacy and infrastructural 
independence have become a central tenant within communication policy,
changing how the Net is structured.

Othernet workshop is a three-day long workshop, which provides you with
this technical know-how. During the workshop participants will explore
alternative systems for secure, communication and data exchange,
unfettered from surveillance. Set up and operational issues are
explained and Open Source projects such as - OwnCloud, OpenVPN,
JaroMail, UnCloud, Unhosted and more are presented.

more: http://weise7.org/othernet

The outcomes of the workshop will be presented on the 30st January 
during a special event at Studio Weise7. This presentation is associated 
with 'URBAN KNIGHTS: Systems for independent city living' Transmediale


Presentation: 30st January, 19.00
Place: Studio Weise7, Berlin

Join the workshop by registering at:



A living - breathing - thriving networked neighbourhood -
proud of free culture - claiming it with others ;)

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Furtherfield – online arts community, platforms for creating, viewing,
discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

Furtherfield Gallery – Finsbury Park (London).

Netbehaviour - Networked Artists List Community.


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