[NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"

a bill miller gridworks1 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 21:46:05 CET 2014

that's really cool - thanks for the review and the review-in-data

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Rob Myers <rob at robmyers.org> wrote:

> "Reviewing almost 70 artworks quickly and in depth is a challenge. With
> _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US, I chose the approach of describing each
> artwork’s notable features and then pulling out themes and commonalities
> at the end. Halfway through I realised that by changing each description
> into a standard format, I could write code to parse the descriptions and
> analyse them to help me find those themes and commonalities. So I did.
> The code is in R..."
> http://robmyers.org/2014/01/15/exploring-art-data-my-_mon3y-as-an-3rrror-mon3y-us-review/
> Includes data and diagrams, and a discussion of how successful and
> useful (or not) this approach is.
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A. Bill Miller
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