[NetBehaviour] Art and Satire in the Context of Conflict

netbehaviour netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Fri Jan 17 13:42:35 CET 2014

Art and Satire in the Context of Conflict

ICA Event 23 Jan 20141:00 pm | Cinema 1 | £5.00

We hear about war predominantly through the media and from politicians 
with nationalist perspectives. This is an opportunity instead to have 
artists’ insights on conflict generally, and particularly with respect 
to Iraq and Palestine. The two artists presenting their work at this 
event use satire as one of their means of expression as they comment on 
violence, repression and the War on Terror.

Coco Fusco is a New York based Cuban-American artist and writer. She has 
performed, lectured, exhibited and curated around the world since 1988. 
Her work combines electronic media and performance in several formats, 
including large-scale projections, and live performances in addressing 
issues related particularly to women and society, war, politics and race.

Larissa Sansour, born in Jerusalem, lives and works in London and 
Copenhagen. Her work utilises various art forms to focus on current 
political dialogue. For example, Nation Estate offers a clinically 
dystopian yet humorous approach to the deadlock in the Middle East - a 
film that suggests a vertical solution to Palestinian statehood in the 
form of a single skyscraper housing the entire Palestinian population.

This event is chaired by Dr Julian Stallabrass, Reader at the Courtauld 
Institute of Art, lecturer, writer, curator and photographer; and editor 
of Memory of Fire: Images of War and the War of Images.

This event is presented in association with the Royal College of Art, 
the British Council and Culture+Conflict.

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