[NetBehaviour] Facecoin

Michael Szpakowski szpako at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 19 14:09:37 CET 2014

um - perhaps my "fully" was hubris. The things I looked up were:

	* pareidolia
	* SHA-256
	* digests
	* CCVPareidolia is the phenomenon of (usually humans) "seeing" objects in inanimate things -faces in fabrics, horses or rocks or dinosaurs in clouds. As I understand it SHA-256 is a way of mapping large amounts of data onto expressions of fixed length ( and it is somehow -don't ask me how -used in mining bitcoin)...these expressions are then somehow presented as visuals ( ? Rob ?) which the CCV javascript based software searches for "faces". There's lots of lovely rich reference here - the way these automatic processes are corralled by Rob into creating "portraits" and the way Rob's rather Wittgensteinian
"Artworks are proofs of aesthetic work"
 wraps (in a kind of virtuous loop) the mechanism in a further reference to the bitcoin thing...

I hope I have this right :)

warmest wishes

 From: Annie Abrahams <bram.org at gmail.com>
To: Michael Szpakowski <szpako at yahoo.com>; NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org> 
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Facecoin

Maybe now Michael, you can explain it to me ....

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Michael Szpakowski <szpako at yahoo.com> wrote:

>This is sleek and smart work! I like it very much ( although I did have to do quite a lot of googling to fully understand what you were doing...)
>best wishes
> From: Rob Myers <rob at robmyers.org>
>To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour at netbehaviour.org> 
>Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 9:36 PM
>Subject: [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
>Click here to run a visualization in your web browser:
>Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin use a "proof of work" system to prevent
>Artworks are proofs of aesthetic work.
>Facecoin uses machine pareidolia as its proof of work. This is
>implemented by applying CCV’s JavaScript face detection algorithm to
>SHA-256 digests represented as greyscale pixel maps. An
>industrial-strength version would use OpenCV. Due to the limitations of
>face detection as implemented by these
 libraries, the digest pixel map
>is upscaled and blurred to produce images of the size and kind that they
>can find faces in.
>The difficulty can be varied by altering the size and blur of the
>pixmap. Or by only allowing particular detected face bounds rectangles
>to be used a set number of times.
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