[NetBehaviour] Review of ‘Invasive Technification: Critical Essays in the Philosophy of Technology’

netbehaviour netbehaviour at furtherfield.org
Wed Jan 22 10:04:30 CET 2014

Review of Gernot Böhme’s ‘Invasive Technification: Critical Essays in 
the Philosophy of Technology’.

By Andrew Feenberg.

“This book covers a vast range of issues in the philosophy of technology 
with clarity and insight. It is divided into six chapters, each of which 
contains several short essays on related subjects. The chapters address 
the relation of science to technology, different types of technologies, 
the technification of human relations and nature, and critical 
approaches to technology. The theme is clear from the title, although 
Gernot Böhme is not as technophobic as it implies. However, he is 
concerned with tracing the profound impact of technical mediation on 
every aspect of modern social life including, among many others, 
production, consumption, perception, communication, medicine, education. 
The technological “invasion” of all these domains transforms what it 
means to be human for better and for worse. Just how humanity will end 
up is an open question in Böhme’s view. He is rather pessimistic, 
finding few resources in contemporary culture that could support a 
positive outcome.

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