[NetBehaviour] It's Arts Council Cuts time again, a Tory-led program to privatize the arts

isabel brison ijayessbe at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 19:41:31 CET 2014

Independent galleries of England, unite in the monetization of your toilets!
Er... how about a tourist guide? "the hippest places to pee" or something.
On Jan 28, 2014 9:15 AM, "marc garrett" <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org>

> It's Arts Council Cuts time again, a Tory-led program to privatize the arts
> http://dalstonliteraryreview.wordpress.com/2014/01/26/the-
> triennial-art-funding-bunfight/
> It's Arts Council Cuts time again, the new Tory-led programme to get the
> arts off public subsidy and onto private funding, and, in the process,
> create virtually out of nowhere a brand-new job opportunity for posh girls
> in the arts: development officer for struggling art spaces. The
> supplications -- sorry, applications -- from art venues are not due till
> March, but already the rumours are starting about who's going to get cut
> (basically, anyone without a digital strategy) as people stare sadly into
> the prospect of a rapidly dwindling pie.
> First up for spite is, of course, the Serpentine, which managed to get
> negative press about their financial arrangements even before the Christmas
> holiday. Well done, Serpentine! In December, news flew that the Serpentine
> co-directors, Julia Peyton-Jones and Hans Ulrich Obrist, the curator who
> can reasonably claim to out-network the internet, gave themselves whopping
> pay rises. The fact that they each make upwards of £140,000 and £120,000,
> respectively (when other director salaries hover around the £60K level) is
> not the only thing raising ire -- it's also the fact that the Serpentine,
> the most strategically located art space in history, receives around
> £900,000 in funding from the Arts Council, and that this figure is arrived
> at in a pretty unfair way.
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