January 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jan 1 01:31:54 CET 2014
Ending: Fri Jan 31 23:54:25 CET 2014
Messages: 320
- [NetBehaviour] Final hours-please help!
- [NetBehaviour] his little creatures
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Summer of the Shark: Artificial Life & The End(s) of Game Spaces in Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V.
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Wish4[0]: 40 Days. 40 News Items. 40 Creative Responses.
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] New Year Refractions 1982-2014
Anthony Stephenson
- [NetBehaviour] new year's vienna concert
maja kalogera
- [NetBehaviour] quickie glimpses of things
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] ascent
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Summer of the Shark: Artificial Life & The End(s) of Game Spaces in Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V.
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Agit Disco VS The Zombie Apocalypse
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Algorithmic Politics
- [NetBehaviour] Agit Disco VS The Zombie Apocalypse
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Video of Glitch Moment/ums at Furtherfield Gallery now up.
- [NetBehaviour] Agit Disco VS The Zombie Apocalypse
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Agit Disco VS The Zombie Apocalypse
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] UpStage 10th Birthday! 9-10 January 2014
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] Flawed Report
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] untitled
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] 0 F windchill -20/25 F windspeed around 35+
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Day 1 | Wish4[0] Now Live
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Drawing
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] Drawing
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] Drawing
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] moRe: Drawing
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] moRe: Drawing
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] Zone film
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] "Day 2" of Wish4[0]
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] The New Who vs Oldskool Timey-Wimey Whovians
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] UpStage 10th Birthday! 9-10 January 2014
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] "Day 2" of Wish4[0]
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] CASITA BOILER
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] Beyond the Cut-up: William S. Burroughs and the Image at Photograper’s gallery
- [NetBehaviour] Cliffhorns
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] MIT and aaron suicide
- [NetBehaviour] UpStage 10th Birthday! 9-10 January 2014
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] "Day 2" of Wish4[0]
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] when they came calling and the traces they left behind
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] A Movie With Tilda Swinton As a Semen-Powered Robot
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] The self-abolition of the poet
- [NetBehaviour] Fwd: [ecrea] CFP - Hard Times: Austerity and Popular Culture
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] UpStage 10th Birthday! 9-10 January 2014
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Video about online learning
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Upstage interview
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] UpStage 10th Birthday! 9-10 January 2014
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] three new year resolutions concerning owls // once again after cory arcangel
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] three new year resolutions concerning owls // once again after cory arcangel
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] For Alain Resnais
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] oops
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] Video about online learning
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] I don't know you but
- [NetBehaviour] I don't know you but
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] The self-abolition of the poet
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Video about online learning
Edward Picot
- [NetBehaviour] Ravenoaks
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] ()
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Interview with Art Award Winner Katerina Athanasoppulou: Emigration and the Crisis
- [NetBehaviour] Prelude
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Prelude
Johannes Birringer
- [NetBehaviour] Let the Birthday Begin! Join us online now :)
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] ICT & Art Connect Connecting ICT & Art Communities
- [NetBehaviour] R.I.P Amiri Baraka + Madeline Gins
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] R.I.P Amiri Baraka + Madeline Gins
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Vietnam
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Don't mind me...
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] youtube hommage to John Cage
Radovan Misovic
- [NetBehaviour] youtube hommage to John Cage
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Time & Motion at FACT: Punchcard Protocol and Creative Capital in our "Modern Times"
- [NetBehaviour] Crashland Hiroshima, Vietnam
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Peter Cook - the Comic Genius
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Non spectral performances - Zone film event Saturday night
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] youtube hommage to John Cage
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] Birds and Mood, Birds and Saz
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Gale
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] guardian 'weekend' remix
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Invite to Anna Dumitriu's 'The Romantic Disease: An Artistic Investigation of Tuberculosis''
Irini-Mirena Papadimitriou
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] moscow
simon longo
- [NetBehaviour] Inside the Song
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] FW: An Internet for the Common Good: Engagement, Empowerment and Justice for All: A Community Informatics Declaration
michael gurstein
- [NetBehaviour] Internet Events (finding my way, 1994)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Wish4[0]: Day 11
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Othernet workshop 24-26 Jan / Weise7 / Berlin
- [NetBehaviour] two-bitcoin?! The full text in chat-format
- [NetBehaviour] The “Isarithm” remix
- [NetBehaviour] HOUSE 2014 - Artist Commissioning Opportunity
- [NetBehaviour] Videotage: FUSE Residency Program | Call for Applications
- [NetBehaviour] SOFT CONTROL: Second open call for interdisciplinary projects
- [NetBehaviour] New Horizons - event on 7 March
Paul Squires
- [NetBehaviour] don t panic be organic 2014 music free download
- [NetBehaviour] Public Dialog from the Cybermind Conference, 1996
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] The Graduate M.A. Program in Media Studies at Pratt Institute of Art (please share!) (might be of interest here?!)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Proximity: Open Call
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, Vienna
- [NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, Vienna
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, Vienna
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2015 / Deadline: 01.March 2014 / KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE, Vienna
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Public Dialog from the Cybermind Conference, 1996
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Public Dialog from the Cybermind Conference, 1996
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Public Dialog from the Cybermind Conference, 1996
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Overture for Radical Opera SMASH THE REPUBLICANS
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Netbehaviour, Hotmail Accounts, Bounces & Viruses! Urgent!
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] meet, please
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Papers by Magazine Erwachsenenbildung (Adult Education)
- [NetBehaviour] Turning Graph Paper Into Geometric Art: The Unlikely Inspiration Of Alma Alloro
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
a bill miller
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] "Balloon" and "Vita Cyberformativa" perform for Art's Birthday 17 January
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] 10 photos from the 2014 london art fair
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Marching Orders
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] _MON3Y AS AN 3RRROR | MON3Y.US | net art's depictions of "Money As Error"
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] No Such Thing as Rest: a walk with Brian Massumi [trailer] On Vimeo
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] The Spam Book: On Porn, Viruses and Other Anomalies from the Dark Side of Digital Culture
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Art and Satire in the Context of Conflict
- [NetBehaviour] "Balloon" about to begin
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] "Vita Cyberformativa" about to begin
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] "Vita Cyberformativa" about to begin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Begging Letters Oh Please
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] "Vita Cyberformativa" about to begin
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] Immersive biophysical concert - ICT & ART Connect London
Marco Donnarumma
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] One to no one begging for God.
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Annie Abrahams
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Missing work, from January, for lounge.espdisk.com -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] -
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] -
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] -
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] -
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] doll universe inside hir
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Der Flug der Seeschwalbe – The Flight Of The Sea Swallow
Roger Mills
- [NetBehaviour] -
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Production Grant olorVISUAL collection
- [NetBehaviour] Production Grant olorVISUAL collection
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Fw: Read Now
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] 1840's GIF Party Tate Open
Seth Guy
- [NetBehaviour] 1840's GIF Party Tate Open
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] 1840's GIF Party Tate Open
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Facecoin
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Fw: Read Now
Radovan Misovic
- [NetBehaviour] Review of ‘Invasive Technification: Critical Essays in the Philosophy of Technology’
- [NetBehaviour] OUT NOW: "Metastasis/Ghost Touch" by Chris Timms at the Widget Art Gallery.
Chiara Passa
- [NetBehaviour] Archive of Furtherfield radio interviews/broadcasts on Resonance FM 2010 – 2011
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Call for Chapters: New Opportunities for Artistic Practice in Virtual Worlds
- [NetBehaviour] One Minute Volume 7 and One Minute remix At Furtherfield Gallery
- [NetBehaviour] Sound, Gender, Technology – "Where to" with Cyberfeminism?
Antye Greie-Ripatti
- [NetBehaviour] PUSSY RIOT FREEDOM compilation
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Archive of Furtherfield radio interviews/broadcasts on Resonance FM 2010 – 2011
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Zbigniew Karkowski
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Archive of Furtherfield radio interviews/broadcasts on Resonance FM 2010 – 2011
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] furtherfield radio intrview archive
rinus van alebeek
- [NetBehaviour] Talk: Internet of Growing Things: Joey Holder and Lisa Ma
- [NetBehaviour] furtherfield radio intrview archive
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] New Book | Social Media: A Critical Introduction by Christian Fuchs
- [NetBehaviour] Digital Art Week (DAW) in Asia: Augmented Reality and Social Reality meet
- [NetBehaviour] Archive of Furtherfield radio interviews/broadcasts on Resonance FM 2010 – 2011
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Archive of Furtherfield radio interviews/broadcasts on Resonance FM 2010 – 2011
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] furtherfield radio intrview archive
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Catherine Daly
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] The Bitcoin Protocol Is Where The Action Is
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Jamesafdafdafdasfdas Morrisfdsafdsaafdsafdsafdsa
- [NetBehaviour] Desktop Screenshots Collection 1997–today
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] CASITA BOILER: five volumes
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] thinking about Poetics, decoupling
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Drone Music
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] blogworks
Jorn Ebner
- [NetBehaviour] Cinema Film Electric
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] unloved
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Drone Music
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Drone Music
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] RE;furtherfield radio interview archive
rinus van alebeek
- [NetBehaviour] Fw: Code Is Not Literature
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] two new playdamages
curt at lab404.com
- [NetBehaviour] code as literature as idiom
Bishop Zareh
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Drone Music
helen varley jamieson
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] code as literature as idiom
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Drone Music
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] the them (Heidegger)
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Not Estimotes
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Bishop Zareh
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Rhode Island Glades
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Not Estimotes
dave miller
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] distilled texts 12/1/13-1/26/14
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] CODE.Determination / Indeterminacy in Analogue and Digital Systems
Laura Plana Gracia
- [NetBehaviour] drone music
Roger Mills
- [NetBehaviour] drone music
Roger Mills
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Removing Car Registration plates from video
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Not Estimotes
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] More Bitcoin Protocol Fun
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] malesex
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Not Estimotes
Mark Hancock
- [NetBehaviour] It’s Arts Council Cuts time again, a Tory-led program to privatize the arts
marc garrett
- [NetBehaviour] WATERS COLOURS
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] twilight, i'm the king of the names of the world.
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] It's Arts Council Cuts time again, a Tory-led program to privatize the arts
isabel brison
- [NetBehaviour] Not Estimotes
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] teach in at Writtle College
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Today/this evening Radio - Interviews/sounds with Joke Lanz ( sudden infant) and Mat Pogo
rinus van alebeek
- [NetBehaviour] teach in at Writtle College
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] "Simply Become Immortal"
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] teach in at Writtle College
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] My best improvisation on parlor guitar:
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Sabotage! glitch politix Man[ual/ifesto]
curt at lab404.com
- [NetBehaviour] Helgi & Hroar, a Story of Murder & Revenge
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Happy (y)ear of the wood horse 2014..
Fung-Lin Hall
- [NetBehaviour] Roger Williams and Originary Mythos
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] drone music
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] CODE.Determination / Indeterminacy in Analogue and Digital Systems
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Pall Thayer
- [NetBehaviour] Links
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
mez breeze
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Rob Myers
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] the demise of the Buffalo Poetics list...
Alan Sondheim
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Code Is Not Literature
Michael Szpakowski
- [NetBehaviour] Helgi & Hroar, a Story of Murder & Revenge
ruth catlow
- [NetBehaviour] CODE.Determination / Indeterminacy in Analogue and Digital Systems
James Morris
- [NetBehaviour] Butoh evening in Brighton
Simon Mclennan
- [NetBehaviour] adios pete
{ brad brace }
- [NetBehaviour] drone music
Roger Mills
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 23:54:25 CET 2014
Archived on: Sat Jan 18 01:34:58 CET 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).