[NetBehaviour] Peeking around the corner, bells, bells, bells

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Jun 2 02:13:58 CEST 2014

Peeking around the corner, bells, bells, bells

http://lounge.espdisk.com/archives/1254 (best)

bells, always warm airs and oceanic life. sparking in vacuums,
closed glass bells, inert and noble gases, and many chimes and
bells - divisions external to the dial-field, divisions in (is)
faithful (bells, chimes) sparking in vacuums, closed glass
bells, inert and noble gases, and many chimes and bells -
divisions external to the dial-field, divisions in a withered
pear-tree (is) faithful (bells, chimes) (to) li-script (bells,
chimes) li-script (servant) lacquered write (on) wall (lining)

Nikuko: outside the sound of shrine bells somewhere
Nikuko: outside and there are church bells disturbing
Nikuko: outside sound of temple bells, and I will have a
wonderful place to listen to the bells

many chimes and bells - divisions external to the dial-field,
divisions in a withered pear-tree (is) faithful (bells, chimes)
(to) li-script as well. With _sloppy_ programming, "bells and
whistles," knowledge again, you can have all the bells and We
approach the shrine, <bong>, and ring the bells, <ping>. There
are varieties here, <bong>, some like traditional bells you
might we<dong>ar some like heavy sleigh bells no horse could
carry, <ping>. There are also metal ringing bowls and wooden
bells and hammers of various sorts, <ping>. the almost pitch
black and every so often ringing the bells, <bong>, by I i see i
the i daylight-bells-and-gongs i which i made i night-music They
voice, as silver bells that strike ding dong ding ding dong ding

tHE screaming of sleighbells, THE RAGGED whinny AND frozen
breath rooms, bells, jars, caves, wombs, mouths, halls, homes
I'm already on I was exercising with barbells before coming on
does any- sparking in vacuums, closed glass bells, inert and
noble gases, and

deeming deathbells
timing deathbells
deeming deathbells
deeming deathbells
deeming deathbells
deeming deathbells
  0: death bells
  1: death-bells
(is) faithful (bells, chimes)

the early Chinese bells transformed across each-ing phrase-ing
disappears-ing into-ing others,-ing the-ing bells-ing of-ing
the-ing word-ing of-ing creation,-ing the-ing bells-ing
faster-ing (is) brief (is) faithful (bells, chimes) (is) long
(is) normal (is) chimes) (bells, faithful (is) ruins of Europe
in back of me. The bells tolled the state-funeral, murd- a
withered pear-tree (is) faithful (bells, chimes) (to) li-script
Journey Unit (bells, chimes) li-script (servant) lacquered write
(on) wall (lining) Sleigh-ride," Sleighbells," Something," Song"
Song," Song," Song," Spare "the firebells bray at night;

?  bells brig n' birds warm-up flowers a withered peartree is
faithful bells chimes to liscript servant a withered pear-tree
(is) faithful (bells, chimes) (to) li-script ah!  withered ah!
ear-tree (is) faithful (bells, chimes) (to) li-script exercising
with barbells before coming on does any- time of ripening. So
bells assembles group flowers withered tree faithful bells
chimes li script sparking in vacuums, closed glass bells, inert
and noble gases, and jingle bells. many chimes and bells -
divisions external to the dial-field, divisions in ness already
ga ion) passes (direc a hful (bells, chimes) ( e (on) wall
lacquered wri hered pear- hful (bells, chimes) ( oge he scholar
er of s he "In the same way _heavy church bells_ can _be easily
set in motion_ pro- many chimes and bells - divisions external
to the dial-field, divisions in

deeming deathbells
timing deathbells
deeming deathbells

stepsinstrument) rightrightsheng1 chimes)(direction) (bells,
groupgroup ballgame birdscastlescape brigdanc briglandscape
brigscape` cathedralbells geraldjonesdanceis castlegardenshort
countrylife cowbells damscene whitechurchpolka bells brig n'
birds warmup alp pals alpine series g e s s st pg is a cap and
thr bells. cats, blocking mice in bleared topping som A et A
hing A s els A st e A stopg ap is a cap and thr bells. long
bells and perfect spheres and untoward, wayward, harmonics
countrylife cowbells damscene dancework aesthetic subjectivities
specicide bells benign best bestowed better beyond big binary
binding birth bi-jade varied worldings, forms humans doing,
course vulnerabilities, bells warmup door-bells, collapsing
buildings, arenas, bulldozers, around you and bells and
all-around underhanded that I am staring cello arrives John
feared around here and bells and all-around might find a page to
percolate on resting the bells bells and great improvisations
sparking in vacuums, closed glass bells, inert and noble gases,
and many chimes and bells - divisions external to the field,
divisions in In the same way heavy church bells can be easily
set in motion ding ding ding ding dong dong ding ding ding ding
ding ding dong dong ding dong dong dong ding ding ding ding ding
ding dong dong ding dong dong dong ding ding ding ding ding ding
dong dong ding dong

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