[NetBehaviour] Call for performance/talk: New Limits of Control

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Mon Jun 2 17:45:48 CEST 2014

Hi Nathan,

This sounds interesting.

mmm, if I think of anyone I'll let you now ;-)

> On 25th June,  Mercy are hosting a performance/event at FACT 
> Liverpool, looking at Control, as part of the Syndrome programme.
> We'd like someone to respond to William Burroughs' essay The Limits of 
> Control.  Either as a talk or performance which engages somehow with 
> the links between political control in context of the digital, 
> decentralised controlled systems, implication of wearables...
> Fee and exps covered.
> Brief expressions of interest to nathan at mercyonline.co.uk 
> <mailto:nathan at mercyonline.co.uk> by Thurs 5th June please. Sorry for 
> short deadline!
> mercyonline.co.uk <http://mercyonline.co.uk>
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