[NetBehaviour] Introduction to Audiovisual User Interfaces.
marc garrett
marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Jun 11 12:03:37 CEST 2014
Introduction to Audiovisual User Interfaces.
18 June 2014, 4pm - 5.30pm
Goldsmiths, Richard Hogarth Building, room 308
Nuno Correia will present the research project "Enabling Audiovisual
User Interfaces” that he is conducting at EAVI (Embodied AudioVisual
Interaction group), Goldsmiths, University of London. It is a 2-year
project, supported by a Marie Curie EU fellowship. The main research
question is: how can interconnected sound and image be used to create
more usable, accessible, playful and engaging user interfaces? To
address this issue, a new UI paradigm is proposed – AVUI (AudioVisual
User Interface). AVUI links interaction, sound and image, building upon
the concept of Graphical User Interface (GUI) by adding interconnected
sound and image. The research hypothesis is: the introduction of AVUI,
integrating interrelated sonic and visual feedback, reacting to user
interactions, will lead to more usable, accessible, playful and engaging
UIs, as compared to a traditional GUI – particularly in use cases where
accessibility and/or engagement are determinant. During the talk, the
project will be contextualised with related research. The methodology
and expected outcomes will be presented. Opportunities for collaboration
with related projects will also be discussed.
Nuno Correia is a researcher, media artist and musician. He is
interested in enabling interactive multi-sensorial experiences. Since
2000, he has been teaching and conducting research in media art and
design, in universities in Portugal, Finland and the UK. Nuno holds a
Doctor of Arts degree in new media from Aalto University (Media Lab
Helsinki), with the thesis “Interactive Audiovisual Objects“, and an MSc
in innovation management from the Technical University of Lisbon.
Currently, he is a researcher at Goldsmiths, University of London (EAVI
group), working on the project “Enabling Audiovisual User Interfaces”,
for which he obtained a Marie Curie EU fellowship. Nuno’s work has been
presented in more than 20 countries.
EAVI - Embodied AudioVisual Interaction
Goldsmiths, University of London
+44(0)7473 328974
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