[NetBehaviour] Open Call for commissions
Annie Abrahams
bram.org at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 20:49:25 CEST 2014
probably a nice event
but what it has to do with hacking is a mystery to me
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Joel Weishaus <joelweishaus at gmail.com>
> "Groundbreaking" (So is fracking.) "Pushing the boundaries." (What
> boundaries?)
> We're having a "technical planning meeting." Gentlemen, light your cigars."
> Goodbye Rembrandt. Hello Jobs.
> -Joel
> On 6/17/2014 1:46 AM, helen varley jamieson wrote:
> well i got a prompt reply from the space, which is good :) & they said:
> Whilst we do currently feature a streaming and archive project, we are
> really looking for groundbreaking ideas that really do push boundaries in
> these areas and many more, across a range of art forms and genres.
> As for the technical capability, we would have a technical planning
> meeting at the start of the project. This will help ensure that everyone is
> clear on the technical requirements, formats and functionalities of the
> finished digital artwork. We would agree, from a range of options, what
> content is hosted on The Space site, embedded on the site but hosted by the
> artist/co-commissioner, hosted on a project microsite, or published as a
> mobile app.
> i still find it very problematic that they think that streaming &
> archiving can't include groundbreaking ideas or push boundaries. i can only
> guess that they have just never been exposed to groundbreaking work in
> these areas ... so perhaps that's our challenge ;)
> h : )
> On 17/06/14 7:44 AM, ahanon wrote:
> ironically, the featured artworks on the space web site include an
> archive (john peel record box) & a streaming event (5 minute theatre)
> ... i've written to them asking for some clarification on what they
> think is boundary pushing/innovative & what's technically eligible ...
> Hiyas and FabMorgen to you all!
> Interesting points, Helen. By the sequence of the call, it sounds like
> they feature stuff based on likeness binary rather than funding. Will be
> interesting to hear about their reply to you.
> Yes.. I think the call sounds a bit woolly - perhaps giving them a room
> for slow improvement as and when requires..
> Am also un clear regarding the references to "the space".. Will share the
> reply when (if??) it comes.
> Back to ironies and "the space".. The apparent prejudicial exclusion of
> certain practices, seems very peculiar to me as it might reflect a certain
> fixed and fixated mentality that is and of itself, historically, grounded
> in sort of kinder-garden fetishisation of practices over others. eg
> painting over photography, sculpture over theatre, and theatre over
> cinema, etc.. (..and even utter an utter exclusion bus driving, animation,
> cleaning and cooking, and so forth.. ;) )
> on the positive side, this is one of the few funds that doesn't mind
> where in the world you are located, & that's a very good thing.
> Yes. It is to be commended, I think you are right to point it out.
> However, As per the practices, perhaps the devil is in how they'll
> implement the openess they seem to hold,,
> Early days though, no?
> Cheers!
> aharonon
> xxx
> --
> helen varley jamieson
> helen at creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
> http://www.wehaveasituation.net
> http://www.upstage.org.nz
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