[NetBehaviour] SEFT-1 car arrived in Finsbury Park yesterday at Furtherfield gallery!

James Morris James at jwm-art.net
Wed Jun 18 13:13:37 CEST 2014

On 18 June 2014 10:31:44 GMT+01:00, marc garrett <marc.garrett at furtherfield.org> wrote:
>Hi all,
>SEFT-1 car arrived in Finsbury Park yesterday at Furtherfield gallery!
>Almost ready for Friday opening...
>Please come along tomorrow evening if you can --- details here
>The Arts Catalyst in partnership with Furtherfield
>Private View: Friday 20 June 6-8pm (Press preview 20 June, 5pm)
>Open 21 June--27 July 2014
>Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am-6pm
>Gallery tour with the artists, Saturday 21 June 2pm
>The SEFT-1 exploration probe will be on display next to the gallery 
>20--22 June, 11--13 July, 18--20 July and 25--27 July 2014.
>Between 2010 and 2012, the artists travelled across Mexico and Ecuador 
>in the SEFT-1 (Sonda de Exploración Ferroviaria Tripulada or Manned 
>Railway Exploration Probe). In a transdisciplinary art project, they
>out to explore disused railways as a starting point for reflection and 
>research, recording stories and testimonials as well as the landscapes 
>and infrastructure around and between cities. Interviewing people they 
>met, often from communities isolated by Mexico's passenger railway 
>closures, they shared their findings online, www.seft1.com, where 
>audiences could track the probe's trajectory, view maps and images and 
>listen to interviews.
>NetBehaviour mailing list
>NetBehaviour at netbehaviour.org

Cool! Looks amazing! Landscapes and car. Much jealous. Very lucky.

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