[NetBehaviour] Info about EVENTS at SEFT-1 Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe at Furtherfield

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Wed Jun 18 14:37:31 CEST 2014

Info about EVENTS at SEFT-1 Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe at 

The Arts Catalyst in partnership with Furtherfield
Private View: Friday 20 June 6-8pm (Press preview 20 June, 5pm)
Open 21 June–27 July 2014
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11am-6pm
Gallery tour with the artists, Saturday 21 June 2pm

The SEFT-1 exploration probe by Ivan Puig and Andrés Padilla Domene will 
be on display next to the gallery 20–22 June, 11–13 July, 18–20 July and 
25–27 July 2014.

Alongside the exhibition we have all kinds of events.
Please book as soon as you can because spaces are filling up.


Tuesday 17 June 6.30–9.00pm - artists Ivan Puig & Andrés Padilla Domene 
will be in conversation with The Arts Catalyst curator Rob La Frenais 
during London LASER 04 at University of Westminster (book here - 

Saturday 21 June 2pm – Gallery tour with the artists, FREE

Saturday 21 June 3–5pm – A de-industrialised estate - Talk with Dr 
Malcolm Miles and discussion with the artists at Furtherfield Commons - 
(limited capacity £5, details and online booking here - 

Saturday 12 July 11.30am–1.30pm – Drop in to the gallery and meet model 
railway maker extraordinaire Neville Reid and artist Andrés Padilla 
Domene, FREE

Saturday 12 July 2–4pm – Death Collapsing Into Life - Guided walk along 
Parkland abandoned railway with landscape architect, urbanist and writer 
Tim Waterman
(limited capacity £5 and up to two children under 15 free, details and 
online booking here - http://bit.ly/1lCSeYo)

Saturday 19 July 10am–12.30pm – Create your own Railway Exploration 
Vehicle family workshop for children 7-12 years led by Codasign (limited 
capacity, £30 one child £50 two children, plus one accompanying parent, 
online booking here - http://bit.ly/1pgR8Tx)

Saturday 19 July 2–5pm – Code your own Retro Game with Python - a 
beginners workshop for young people aged 13-17 to learn coding led by 
Codasign (limited capacity, £36 please bring a laptop with you, online 
booking here - http://bit.ly/1iGnCAT)

With support from Embassy of Mexico, Arts Council England, Central de 

Furtherfield Gallery
McKenzie Pavilion, Finsbury Park
London N4 2NQ
For info visit site - http://bit.ly/1kWhg4R

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